segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2011
Sobre o mito da "propriedade intelectual"
Kevin A. Carson explica:
"Any consideration of “intellectual property rights” must start from the understanding that such “rights” undermine genuine property rights and hence are illegitimate in terms of libertarian principle. Real, tangible property rights result from natural scarcity and follow as a matter of course from the attempt to maintain occupancy of physical property that cannot be possessed by more than one person at a time.
“Intellectual property,” on the other hand, creates artificial scarcity where it does not naturally exist and can only be enforced by invading real, tangible property and preventing the owner from using it in ways that violate the supposed intellectual property rights of others. As Stephan Kinsella points out, had a particularly gifted Cro-Magnon man been able to patent the building of log cabins, his heirs today would be entitled to prevent us from building cabins on our own land, with our own logs, until we paid whatever tribute they demanded..."
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"Any consideration of “intellectual property rights” must start from the understanding that such “rights” undermine genuine property rights and hence are illegitimate in terms of libertarian principle. Real, tangible property rights result from natural scarcity and follow as a matter of course from the attempt to maintain occupancy of physical property that cannot be possessed by more than one person at a time.
“Intellectual property,” on the other hand, creates artificial scarcity where it does not naturally exist and can only be enforced by invading real, tangible property and preventing the owner from using it in ways that violate the supposed intellectual property rights of others. As Stephan Kinsella points out, had a particularly gifted Cro-Magnon man been able to patent the building of log cabins, his heirs today would be entitled to prevent us from building cabins on our own land, with our own logs, until we paid whatever tribute they demanded..."
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Pluralismo en las Ciencias sociales
Convocatória para apresentação de proposta de trabalho ao
Simpósio Pluralismo en las Ciencias sociales: De la Diferencia a la Multiplicidad que será desenvolvido junto ao I ENCUENTRO DE LAS CIENCIAS HUMANAS Y TECNOLÓGICAS PARA LA INTEGRACIÓN EN EL CONOSUR, de 5 a 7 de maio de 2011, na cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
Simpósio Pluralismo en las Ciencias sociales: De la Diferencia a la Multiplicidad que será desenvolvido junto ao I ENCUENTRO DE LAS CIENCIAS HUMANAS Y TECNOLÓGICAS PARA LA INTEGRACIÓN EN EL CONOSUR, de 5 a 7 de maio de 2011, na cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
Proposta do Simpósio Pluralismo en las Ciencias sociales: De la Diferencia a la Multiplicidad
Este simposio se propone avanzar en la construcción de criterios transdisciplinarios de la subjetividad. En tal sentido, se parte de un episteme pluralista cuya resistencia a la simplificación unidisciplinaria intenta la superación de reduccionismos psicologistas, economicistas, sociologistas, antropologistas, etc.
Creemos que las Ciencias Sociales en América Latina están en la búsqueda de articular lo uno y lo múltiple, lo idéntico y lo diferente. Por esta razón, se propone un abordaje desde: lo académico en la idea de campo y en el desbordamiento del binarismo sujeto-objeto; lo político como el paso de las representaciones a la reinvención de lo colectivo; lo epistémico como posibilidad de diálogos multivalentes.
Este abordaje se fundamenta en la multiplicidad de las diversas diferencias: de clase, de género, etáreas, sexuales, étnicas, religiosas, etc., lo que implica contemplar todas las manifestaciones culturales que den sentido al pensar desde la experiencia.
Finalmente, este mesa de trabajo busca habilitar espacios otros que potencien la producción de subjetividades en lo sub-alterno y lo alter-nativo a partir de lo político, lo filosófico, lo académico y, particularmente desde lo existencial.
Mais informações sobre o evento:
domingo, 27 de fevereiro de 2011
A vida é boa como ministro
JOHANNESBURG – The son of Equatorial Guinea's dictator of 30 years commissioned plans to build a superyacht costing $380 million, nearly three times what the country spends on health and education each year, a corruption watchdog said Monday.
The statement from Global Witness said that German company Kusch Yachts has been asked to build the yacht, housing a cinema, restaurant, bar and swimming pool, though construction has not yet started.
Global Witness has been urging Washington to institute sanctions against Teodorin Obiang, whose extravagant lifestyle currently includes a $35 million-dollar mansion in Malibu, California, a $33 million jet and a fleet of luxury cars, while earning a salary of $6,799 a month as agriculture minister.
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The statement from Global Witness said that German company Kusch Yachts has been asked to build the yacht, housing a cinema, restaurant, bar and swimming pool, though construction has not yet started.
Global Witness has been urging Washington to institute sanctions against Teodorin Obiang, whose extravagant lifestyle currently includes a $35 million-dollar mansion in Malibu, California, a $33 million jet and a fleet of luxury cars, while earning a salary of $6,799 a month as agriculture minister.
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Medicina criminosa
ATLANTA – Shocking as it may seem, U.S. government doctors once thought it was fine to experiment on disabled people and prison inmates. Such experiments included giving hepatitis to mental patients in Connecticut, squirting a pandemic flu virus up the noses of prisoners in Maryland, and injecting cancer cells into chronically ill people at a New York hospital.
Much of this horrific history is 40 to 80 years old, but it is the backdrop for a meeting in Washington this week by a presidential bioethics commission. The meeting was triggered by the government's apology last fall for federal doctors infecting prisoners and mental patients in Guatemala with syphilis 65 years ago...
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Much of this horrific history is 40 to 80 years old, but it is the backdrop for a meeting in Washington this week by a presidential bioethics commission. The meeting was triggered by the government's apology last fall for federal doctors infecting prisoners and mental patients in Guatemala with syphilis 65 years ago...
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Coragem intelectual
intellectual courage: The willingness to face and fairly assess ideas, beliefs, or viewpoints to which we have not given a serious hearing, regardless of our strong negative reactions to them. This courage arises from the recognition that ideas considered dangerous or absurd are sometimes rationally justified (in whole or in part), and that conclusions or beliefs espoused by those around us or inculcated in us are sometimes false or misleading. To determine for ourselves which is which, we must not passively and uncritically “accept” what we have “learned.” Intellectual courage comes into play here, because inevitably we will come to see some truth in some ideas considered dangerous and absurd and some distortion or falsity in some ideas strongly held in our social group. It takes courage to be true to our own thinking in such circumstances. Examining cherished beliefs is difficult, and the penalties for non-conformity are often severe.— Richard W. Paul, Critical Thinking: How to Prepare Students for a Rapidly Changing World.
sábado, 26 de fevereiro de 2011
Let it be
"The only freedom which deserves the name is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it. Each is the proper guardian of his own health, whether bodily, or mental or spiritual. Mankind are greater gainers by suffering each other to live as seems good to themselves, than by compelling each to live as seems good to the rest."
John Stuart Mill
John Stuart Mill
sexta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2011
Guerra cambial
Antony Mueller:
"... Com o intuito de reduzir o impacto em sua economia doméstica, o Brasil vinha intervindo no mercado cambial, tentando diminuir a intensidade da apreciação de sua moeda. Ao fazer isso, as autoridades monetárias tiveram de imprimir reais e comprar moedas estrangeiras, principalmente dólares americanos....
A combinação de ampla liquidez na economia interna, a fraca demanda externa de alguns parceiros comerciais tradicionais, e a forte apreciação da taxa de câmbio vêm fornecendo as bases para uma extrema expansão das importações, as quais superam vastamente as exportações. Ao contrário de países como a Alemanha, por exemplo, cuja indústria é bastante resiliente a apreciações cambiais, o Brasil nesse aspecto se assemelha aos países da periferia sul da zona do euro em sua incapacidade de lidar efetivamente com um câmbio sobrevalorizado ..."Leia mais
Versão original em inglès
quarta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2011
Vaga para professor assistente
A Universidade Regional do Cariri está com inscrições abertas para as vagas de Professor Assistente em Ciência Política(01) e Antropologia(01). Podem se inscrever mestres em Ciências Sociais, em qualquer de suas modalidades. O Curso de Ciências Sociais da URCA tem 06 anos, contabilizando em seu quadro 10 doutores na área. Maiores informações:
terça-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2011
Bolsas para doutorado
Em parceria, Canadá e Brasil oferecem bolsas para pesquisadores e estudantes de doutorado.
Governança democrática, geração de riqueza, segurança, ciência e tecnologia são áreas estratégicas para o programa que promove colaboração entre grupos de pesquisa dos dois países.
Até 31 de março, pesquisadores brasileiros e canadenses podem se inscrever para um novo programa em apoio às pesquisas colaborativas financiadas em parceria pelo Brasil e pelo Canadá: o Bolsas Canadá-Brasil-Projetos Conjuntos de Pesquisa.
As equipes de pesquisa devem ser formadas por um professor coordenador e no máximo cinco estudantes de doutorado por projeto.
A duração do projeto é 24 meses: de setembro de 2011 a setembro de 2013. O financiamento será concedido pelo Governo do Canadá por meio do Escritório Canadense de Educação Internacional (CBIE).
Os pesquisadores brasileiros devem se inscrever por intermédio da CAPES, que prevê um edital até a terceira semana de fevereiro. No entanto é importante que os grupos de pesquisas que pretendem trabalhar juntos apresentem propostas alinhadas. Os coordenadores brasileiros e canadenses devem concordar sobre as suas propostas paralelamente.
Mais informações em inglês:
Mais informações em francês:
Governança democrática, geração de riqueza, segurança, ciência e tecnologia são áreas estratégicas para o programa que promove colaboração entre grupos de pesquisa dos dois países.
Até 31 de março, pesquisadores brasileiros e canadenses podem se inscrever para um novo programa em apoio às pesquisas colaborativas financiadas em parceria pelo Brasil e pelo Canadá: o Bolsas Canadá-Brasil-Projetos Conjuntos de Pesquisa.
As equipes de pesquisa devem ser formadas por um professor coordenador e no máximo cinco estudantes de doutorado por projeto.
A duração do projeto é 24 meses: de setembro de 2011 a setembro de 2013. O financiamento será concedido pelo Governo do Canadá por meio do Escritório Canadense de Educação Internacional (CBIE).
Os pesquisadores brasileiros devem se inscrever por intermédio da CAPES, que prevê um edital até a terceira semana de fevereiro. No entanto é importante que os grupos de pesquisas que pretendem trabalhar juntos apresentem propostas alinhadas. Os coordenadores brasileiros e canadenses devem concordar sobre as suas propostas paralelamente.
Mais informações em inglês:
Mais informações em francês:
sábado, 19 de fevereiro de 2011
Crisis and Leviathan
Crisis and Leviathan is a blockbuster of a book, one of the most important of the last decade. It is that rare and wondrous combination: scholarly and hard-hitting, lucidly written and libertarian as well. To Professor Higgs, being thorough and erudite does not mean timorously qualifying every statement, or torpidly and "judiciously" picking one's way through the minefields of ideology. Higgs's depth and breadth of learning has only intensified his commitment to truth, liberty, and the identification its enemies.
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sexta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2011
¿Cuáles son los principios del liberalismo? ¿Existe una ética liberal? ¿Qué papel juega la sociedad civil en resolver los problemas sociales? ¿Hay razones para estar optimista sobre la situación económica de América Latina? ¿Qué deben hacer los liberales ante los populismos en la región? El Cato Institute y laFundación Libertad de Argentina se complacen en invitar a estudiantes y graduados recientes latinoamericanos a discutir estos y otros temas durante laUniversidad ElCato-Fundación Libertad a celebrarse del 15 al 17 de abril en Buenos Aires, Argentina.
En este evento se tratarán temas como: Qué falló en Argentina, el futuro de Cuba, la tradición mercantilista en América Latina, los principios económicos del liberalismo clásico, el papel de las instituciones, entre otros.
La fecha de inicio está pautada para el viernes 15 hasta el domingo 17 de abril de 2011. Pueden participar jóvenes argentinos y latinoamericanos entre 18 y 30 años. Este seminario durará tres días y se llevará a cabo en la Universidad del CEMA.
La Universidad ElCato-Fundación Libertad tiene cupo para 60 jóvenes. Descarga y llena el formulario de solicitud y envíalo a De ser seleccionado se debe pagar una cuota de US$40 que incluye solamente alimentación (excluye hospedaje).
La fecha límite para enviar solicitudes es el 28 de febrero de 2011.
Nota: A diferencia de otras Universidades ElCato, en esta ocasión NO se le dará hospedaje a los participantes. Aquellos que vengan de afuera de Buenos Aires tendrán que conseguirse su propio alojamiento en la ciudad.
Más información:
En este evento se tratarán temas como: Qué falló en Argentina, el futuro de Cuba, la tradición mercantilista en América Latina, los principios económicos del liberalismo clásico, el papel de las instituciones, entre otros.
La fecha de inicio está pautada para el viernes 15 hasta el domingo 17 de abril de 2011. Pueden participar jóvenes argentinos y latinoamericanos entre 18 y 30 años. Este seminario durará tres días y se llevará a cabo en la Universidad del CEMA.
La Universidad ElCato-Fundación Libertad tiene cupo para 60 jóvenes. Descarga y llena el formulario de solicitud y envíalo a De ser seleccionado se debe pagar una cuota de US$40 que incluye solamente alimentación (excluye hospedaje).
La fecha límite para enviar solicitudes es el 28 de febrero de 2011.
Nota: A diferencia de otras Universidades ElCato, en esta ocasión NO se le dará hospedaje a los participantes. Aquellos que vengan de afuera de Buenos Aires tendrán que conseguirse su propio alojamiento en la ciudad.
Más información:
Praxeologia versus positivismo
"Parece que o paradigma predominante da metodologia científica nas ciências sociais tem pouco a ver com a realidade da nossa vida social, a prática política e a administração pública. Parece que os próprios universitários, políticos e administradores não se dão conta dessa conexão. Mas na verdade o uso do certo modelo epistemológico mostra-se crucial para os resultados gerados por uma pesquisa, bem como para a maneira como se pratica política e para a forma da administração pública. Ainda mais: uma sociedade livre não pode emergir quando domina uma epistemologia que elimina a ação humana...."
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quinta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2011
O Boletim eletrônico Nº 12 já está disponível em nossa página:
Secretaria de Publicações da Anpocs – tel.: (11) 3091 4664 – fax: (11)3091 5043
Secretaria de Publicações da Anpocs – tel.: (11) 3091 4664 – fax: (11)3091 5043
quarta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2011
Porque o socialismo não pode funcionar
Fabio Barbieri explica: "Um dos mais importantes resultados teóricos já produzidos pelas ciências sociais consiste na tese formulada em 1920 a respeito da impossibilidade do cálculo econômico no socialismo. Tal tese afirma, em poucas palavras, que a complexidade do sistema produtivo moderno, necessária para a geração do nível de produtividade presente, não pode ser mantida na ausência de um sistema de preços de mercado. Como consequência, a abolição da propriedade privada e dos mercados condenaria à morte a grande maioria da população atual, a menos que as decisões alocativas sejam feitas no socialismo por indivíduos oniscientes..."
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terça-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2011
As verdadeira causa da revolução francesa: inflação
"... Here is the untold and still largely unknown story of a major factor behind the French Revolution. As John Mackay writes in the introduction:
Fiat money inflation in France: How it came, what it bought, and how it ended"It records the most gigantic attempt ever made in the history of the world by a government to create an inconvertible paper currency, and to maintain its circulation at various levels of value. It also records what is perhaps the greatest of all governmental efforts--with the possible exception of Diocletian's—to enact and enforce a legal limit of commodity prices.
"Every fetter that could hinder the will or thwart the wisdom of democracy had been shattered, and in consequence every device and expedient that untrammelled power and unrepressed optimism could conceive were brought to bear. But the attempts failed. They left behind them a legacy of moral and material desolation and woe, from which one of the most intellectual and spirited races of Europe has suffered for a century and a quarter, and will continue to suffer until the end of time. There are limitations to the powers of governments and of peoples that inhere in the constitution of things, and that neither despotisms nor democracies can overcome."
What's remarkable is how conventional histories of the period treat this huge economic reality as a mere footnote, and that's mostly because historians are not usually alert to the cause and effect relationships in economics. But this book is different. Author Andrew Dickson White puts the monetary story right at the center of action, and compellingly shows how it leads to a national catastrophe.
As the the author writes, inflation "brought, as we have seen, commerce and manufactures, the mercantile interest, the agricultural interest, to ruin. It brought on these the same destruction which would come to a Hollander opening the dykes of the sea to irrigate his garden in a dry summer. It ended in the complete financial, moral and political prostration of France-a prostration from which only a Napoleon could raise it."
This study was first written in 1896, and it has not been surpassed, and nor has its historigraphical power been diminished..."
Fiat money inflation in France: How it came, what it bought, and how it ended"It records the most gigantic attempt ever made in the history of the world by a government to create an inconvertible paper currency, and to maintain its circulation at various levels of value. It also records what is perhaps the greatest of all governmental efforts--with the possible exception of Diocletian's—to enact and enforce a legal limit of commodity prices.
"Every fetter that could hinder the will or thwart the wisdom of democracy had been shattered, and in consequence every device and expedient that untrammelled power and unrepressed optimism could conceive were brought to bear. But the attempts failed. They left behind them a legacy of moral and material desolation and woe, from which one of the most intellectual and spirited races of Europe has suffered for a century and a quarter, and will continue to suffer until the end of time. There are limitations to the powers of governments and of peoples that inhere in the constitution of things, and that neither despotisms nor democracies can overcome."
What's remarkable is how conventional histories of the period treat this huge economic reality as a mere footnote, and that's mostly because historians are not usually alert to the cause and effect relationships in economics. But this book is different. Author Andrew Dickson White puts the monetary story right at the center of action, and compellingly shows how it leads to a national catastrophe.
As the the author writes, inflation "brought, as we have seen, commerce and manufactures, the mercantile interest, the agricultural interest, to ruin. It brought on these the same destruction which would come to a Hollander opening the dykes of the sea to irrigate his garden in a dry summer. It ended in the complete financial, moral and political prostration of France-a prostration from which only a Napoleon could raise it."
This study was first written in 1896, and it has not been surpassed, and nor has its historigraphical power been diminished..."
Lições para a "guerra contra drogas"
"... In Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition, a brilliant and exhaustively researched book, David Okrent examines the forces behind the enactment and repeal of Prohibition as well as its consequences, both intended and unintended. From 1920 until 1933 most Americans were forced to choose between abstinence and illegal consumption. But Americans loved to drink: Per capita alcohol consumption in the nineteenth century was three times today’s rate...
If the goal of Prohibition was to eliminate, or even reduce, many of the problems associated with alcohol consumption—such as criminal activity, binge drinking, drunk driving, and deaths and injuries via alcohol poisoning—it was an unambiguous failure..."
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If the goal of Prohibition was to eliminate, or even reduce, many of the problems associated with alcohol consumption—such as criminal activity, binge drinking, drunk driving, and deaths and injuries via alcohol poisoning—it was an unambiguous failure..."
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segunda-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2011
quinta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2011
The IHS runs summer seminars specifically designed for graduate students planning careers in academia. Please forward the paragraph below to any graduate students you know who might be interested. Thanks. The Institute for Humane Studies invites graduate students to apply to Scholarship & a Free Society, a conference on cutting-edge classical liberal research and its applications to contemporary academic work. The seminar features an interdisciplinary faculty and brings together more than 70 graduate students to consider questions central to academic research, such as combining normative concerns and empirical research, and to learn about the latest advances in areas such as voluntary associations and non-ideal theories of justice. The conference is offered twice in summer 2011, June 15-19 and July 23-29, both on the picturesque campus of Bryn Mawr College, located outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There is no cost to attend, but space is limited. The application deadline is March 31. Learn more at Below you can find other summer opportunities for undergraduate students, who often combine an IHS seminar with other seminars. | |
Join us in Naples, Florida!
as the Mises Circle presents . . .
Freedom vs. Big Government
Sponsored by an anonymous donor, Avery Knapp, and Stephen and Monica Hillis
Through regulations, taxation, inflation of the money supply, trade restrictions, and tethers on private associations, government is nothing but a massive drain on prosperity. The situation has become deeply dangerous for the future of freedom in this country, with young people unable to find jobs, opportunities being destroyed in sector after sector, banks and corporations living on the dole, and so many regulations that we are living under something nearly as egregious as a Soviet-style central plan. Our speakers will address the future of liberty under expanding government.
The meeting begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 2:00 p.m. See for a complete schedule.
This event will take place in the Naples Beach Hotel and Golf Resort, 851 Gulf Shore Boulevard North, Naples, Florida. For accommodations at the Naples Beach Hotel, call 800-455-1546.
as the Mises Circle presents . . .
Freedom vs. Big Government
Sponsored by an anonymous donor, Avery Knapp, and Stephen and Monica Hillis
Through regulations, taxation, inflation of the money supply, trade restrictions, and tethers on private associations, government is nothing but a massive drain on prosperity. The situation has become deeply dangerous for the future of freedom in this country, with young people unable to find jobs, opportunities being destroyed in sector after sector, banks and corporations living on the dole, and so many regulations that we are living under something nearly as egregious as a Soviet-style central plan. Our speakers will address the future of liberty under expanding government.
The meeting begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 2:00 p.m. See for a complete schedule.
This event will take place in the Naples Beach Hotel and Golf Resort, 851 Gulf Shore Boulevard North, Naples, Florida. For accommodations at the Naples Beach Hotel, call 800-455-1546.
segunda-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2011
quinta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2011
As origens problemáticas da "guerra contra drogas"
Jacob Huebert lembra: "... An obvious factor leading to drug prohibition was the temperance movement. It succeeded in getting alcohol banned in numerous states and, of course, ultimately banned nationwide from 1919 until 1933. If temperance activists could succeed in banning wine, which had played an important role in the history of civilization itself, it is not too surprising that they would have some success in prohibiting other substances that were less well understood or accepted...."
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terça-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2011
Black education disaster"
Black Education by Walter E. Williams
In my "Black Education Disaster" column (12/22/10), I presented National Assessment of Educational Progress test data that demonstrated that an average black high school graduate had a level of reading, writing and math proficiency of a white seventh- or eighth-grader. The public education establishment bears part of the responsibility for this disaster, but a greater portion is borne by black students and their parents, many of whom who are alien and hostile to the education process.Leia mais
O Edital de apresentação de propostas de Grupos de Trabalho e Mesas-Redondas
para o 35º Encontro Anual da Anpocs está disponível no link abaixo
Secretaria Executiva
para o 35º Encontro Anual da Anpocs está disponível no link abaixo
Secretaria Executiva
para o 35º Encontro Anual da Anpocs está disponível no link abaixo |
Secretaria Executiva – tel.: (11) 3091 4664 – fax: (11)3091 5043 – tel.: (11) 3091 4664 – fax: (11)3091 5043
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