sábado, 31 de agosto de 2019

Por que o socialismo não funciona

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A volta do nacionalismo

Nice summary of the positions presented, but what bugs me in these discussions is the invoking of a boogeyman ‘libertarianism’, sometimes its apt, but most of the time it is just classical-basic economics that is being dismissed by this new crowd of conservatives. BASIC economic SCIENCE is all one needs to give pause to some of the nationalistic enthusiasms, no ethical priors need be invoked just good old means/ends analysis. So, first understand the science of economics is NOT a political ideology. Second, remember historical examples of the consequences of nationalism.

A nova esquerda "Woke"

People on the "woke" hard-left seem so self-righteous about their…

sexta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2019


Da esquerda pela direita

"At each stage of the conservative movement’s long march to power, crucial aid was provided by heretics from the left. Progressives recoiled from the New Deal and turned reactionary; ex-Communists helped to launch National Review, in the nineteen-fifties; recovering socialists founded neoconservatism in the sixties and seventies; New Left radicals turned on their former comrades and former selves in the Reagan years. Ronald Reagan, whose Presidency brought the movement to its...
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Political conversions are painful, like losing your religion or falling out of…