sexta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2020

O futuro da China

Dívida histórica

O problema com a democracia

Guerra de Paraguai

quinta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2020


Anarquia como ordem

“This original and impressively researched book explores the concept of anarchy_'unimposed order'_as the most humane and stable form of order in a chaotic world. Mohammed A. Bamyeh traces the historical foundations of anarchy and convincingly presents it as an alternative to both tyranny and democracy. He shows how anarchy is the best manifestation of civic order, of a healthy civil society, and of humanity's noblest attributes. The author contends that humanity thrives on se...
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"Los investigadores criticaron el hecho de que la política europea clasifique los coches eléctricos como los de cero emisiones. El límite de CO2 de 59 gramos por kilómetro prescrito a partir de 2030 corresponde a un consumo de 2,2 litros de diésel o 2,6 litros de gasolina por cada 100 kilómetros y es "técnicamente poco realista". Por lo tanto, dicen, los fabricantes de automóviles pronto ofrecerán la mayoría de sus coches como eléctricos a sus clientes. Para el clima, dice el estudio, serían mejores los motores de gasolina que funcionan con metano (GNC), ya sus emisiones de CO2 son un tercio más bajas que las de un diesel.".


One day the woke left will get woke about FDR and realize that they are supporting a racist and anti-Semite who bears moral responsibility for the deaths of thousands of Jews and the continued oppression of African-Americans through the racist-in-effect policies of the New Deal.
If you think the state is there to be used in only the ways you think are good and you are pointing to FDR as your example of that, then you need to brush up on your history. Like immediately. And read up on unicorn governance.