domingo, 27 de junho de 2021


 Você pensa que isto tudo é novo dos passaportes kobides e da impureza dos seres humanos, das sopas obrigatórias, pensa ser assunto novo ou caiu agora de pára-quedas?

Se pensa está completamente enganado, isto é um culminar de Malthusianismo que começou há quase 300 anos. Já foi condenado, mas a elite que sustenta deixou descendência, ela continua acreditar que pode melhorar o mundo matando pobres, e melhorando o ser humano com máquinaria(transhumanismo)e alterando os genes.…
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Social Origins of Eugenics
Social Origins of Eugenics

sábado, 26 de junho de 2021

Demais graduados?


Ten years ago, scientist Peter Turchin predicted political discord in America and Europe as a result of the “overproduction of young graduates with advanced degrees”


 Fire has proven to be a magnificent aid to human beings, but a fire that cannot be contained portends our utter destruction, and the state is precisely such a fire. #RobertHiggs

Crise do tempo

 Steve Patterson: “Are we living in a dark age? That's my conclusion after 15 years of independent research.

“This is the first article in an indefinite series that will explore the breadth and depth of our present dark age. I've summarized the reasons for our current situation into six points:
“1. Intellectuals have greatly underestimated the complexity of the world.
“2. Specialization has made people stupid.
“3. The lack of conceptual clarity in mathematics and physics has caused a lack of conceptual clarity everywhere else. These disciplines underwent foundational crises in the early 20th century that were not resolved correctly.
“4. The methods of scientific inquiry have been conflated with the processes of academia.
“5. Academia has been corrupted by government and corporate funding.
“6. Human biology, psychology, and social dynamics make critical thinking difficult.
“If I'm right, then the first step towards leaving the dark age is realizing that we've been in one.”

sexta-feira, 25 de junho de 2021

NKDW 1938 descanso do killing



 O organograma das economias planificadas consiste em um muito bem elaborado sistema de transferência de riquezas da população para grupos politicamente organizados.

O estado surgiu, através de grupos armados pilhando aldeias agropastoris, e agora intensificou e desenvolveu seu modus operandi, através do planejamento econômico fiscal

Limites da ciência

 "Data and evidence cannot tell us what to do with them—that requires moral judgment."

Social engineering

 Lech Valesa put it in the following way: "You can make a fish soup out of aquarium but you can not make aquarium out of a fish soup".



Antony Mueller