domingo, 20 de novembro de 2011

Como funciona o governo?

The 7 Never-to-be-Forgotten Principles of Government
by Harry Browne
July 1, 2003

It's easy to think sometimes that a new government program, law, or regulation could cure a pressing social problem.
Whether it's a desire to end abortions, keep the wrong people out of the country, make your city drug-free, stop corporate frauds, crack down on criminals, or make health care more accessible and less expensive, you can imagine how the right new law could make everything okay.
But when you get that kind of thought, I hope you'll remember the seven principles that apply to all government programs not just the ones you oppose.

The Principles

1. Government is force. Every government program, law, or regulation is a demand that someone do what he doesn't want to do, refrain from doing what he does want to do, or pay for something he doesn't want to pay for. And those demands are backed up by police with guns.
Leia mais dos princípios do governo

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