segunda-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2016

Distribuição da riqueza

Oxfam statistics are both meaningless & misleading

IEA reaction to Oxfam statistics released today
Commenting on Oxfam research claiming the richest 62 people have as much wealth as the bottom 3.6 billion, Mark Littlewood, Director General at the Institute of Economic Affairs, said:
“Despite the fact that global capitalism has eradicated poverty and generated prosperity in the developing world at an unprecedented rate, yet again the ‘anti-poverty’ charity Oxfam continue to obsess about the rich, misleading the public with bogus inequality figures.
“The methodology of adding up assets and subtracting debts and then making a global ‘net wealth’ distribution implies that many of the poorest in the world are those in advanced countries with high debts. Whilst we might have sympathy for the Harvard law graduate’s plight, it is unclear that worrying about her should be the focus of a development organisation.
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