quarta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2018

Burke contra Adam Smith

«Whereas Smith, the supposed godfather of free-market economics, had warned that government must intervene in the economy from time to time to prevent men from being made animals, cogs, and tools, Burke believed any interference in the economy on the part of government to be a violation of the natural law. In one of his last published writings, Burke explained in a manner that would make a later Austrian economist proud: “The balance between consumption and production makes price. The market settles, and alone can settle, that price. Market is the meeting and conference of the consumer and producer, when they mutually discover each other’s wants.”»
Whereas Adam Smith had warned that government must intervene in the economy from time to time, Edmund Burke believed any interference in the economy on the part of government to be a violation of the natural law... (essay by Bradley J. Birzer)

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