quarta-feira, 4 de abril de 2018

Estatística dos free market think tanks

Below are the free-market think tanks scoring first or second in the United States and from around the world (data compiled during the first week of March 2018):
Most Facebook likes (U.S.): #1Heritage Foundation (2,089K) #2 Acton Institute (797K); (Non U.S.): #1 Instituto Mises, Brazil (276K), #2 ILISP (Brazil)
Most Twitter followers (U.S.): #1 Heritage Foundation (630K) #2 Cato (337K); (Non U.S): #1 CEDICE, Venezuela (96K) #2 CEP Chile (59K)
Most monthly visitors to Web site (SimilarWeb), U.S.: #1 Heritage Foundation (2,920K) 2# Mises Institute (1,570K); (Non U.S.): #1 Instituto Mises, Brazil (837K) #2 ILISP (Brazil). Alexa, the Web analytics company owned by Amazon, also shows these groups as winners.
Most subscribers to YouTube Channel (U.S.): #1 American Enterprise Institute (147K) #2 Mises Institute (64K) ; (Non U.S.): #1 Fundación Libertad y Progreso, Argentina (26K) #2 Instituto Mises, Brazil (23K).
Most views of YouTube video uploaded in 2017 (U.S.): #1 Foundation for Economic Education (289K) #2 American Enterprise Institute (163K); (Non U.S.): #1 Fundación Libertad y Progreso, Argentina (120K) #2 Fundación Para el Progreso, Chile (48K)
Most minutes viewed on a YouTube video (last 12 months) (U.S): #1 Foundation for Economic Education (5,880K), #2 Heritage Foundation (2,702K); (Non U.S.) #1 Fundación para el Progreso (2,490K) # 2 Fundación Libertad y Progreso, Argentina (562K)
Most LinkedIn Followers (U.S.): #1 Heritage Foundation (13K) # 2 American Enterprise Institute (10K) ; (Non U.S.); #1 Fraser Institute, (Canada) (4,6K) #2 Instituto Mises (3.3K) Brazil
Instagram followers (U.S.): #1 Heritage Foundation (22,9K) #2 Mises Institute (16.3K); (Non U.S.): #1 Instituto Mises, Brazil (14.4K) #2 CEDICE, Venezuela (3.8K)
Klout (U.S.): #1 Cato (90) #2 Mises Institute (86); (Non U.S.), #1 Adam Smith Institute (U.K.) (80) #2 Fundación Libertad y Progreso, Argentina (79)

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