segunda-feira, 2 de abril de 2012

As origens prussianas da moderna educação pública

Brett Veinotte on Horrors of State-Run Schools and Schooling

by Anthony Wile
Brett Veinotte has worked in private education for the last 10 years, in a variety of activities. As host of the School Sucks Podcast, every week Brett shares his discoveries about American schooling with thousands of listeners.
Daily Bell: Give us some background on School Sucks Podcast. How did it start? What does it do now?
Brett Veinotte: School Sucks Podcast began in 2009, and it was intended to be a sharp, comical and pop-culture-friendly exploration into something that most people couldn't care less about. Unfortunately, it's something that significantly affects us, in ways that most folks never even realize.
Our aim is to take the word "education" back from the state. Today that word is a euphemism for compulsory indoctrination funded by threats of force against property owners, designed to serve the needs of the power elite. What education really is: a lifelong pursuit of self-directed, intrinsically motivated and purposeful knowledge acquisition. Public school and education are more antonymous than synonymous.
Daily Bell: Give us some background on yourself and where you were born and grew up

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