segunda-feira, 2 de abril de 2012

Guerra e o filho do mal e o pai do mal

Noninterventionism: Cornerstone of a Free Society

"War gave us the welfare state – first for veterans then for the rest of us. It gave us Prohibition – it was during World War I that beer was targeted, both for its German origin and its popularity on military bases – and Prohibition led to gun control and the continued destruction of the Bill of Rights. War, under Lincoln and Wilson, gave us the corporate state, which is now a permanent feature ...of American life. War gave us federal meddling in education. It created virtually every precedent by which our liberty is robbed.

"It is no exaggeration to say that had America not found itself in those wars, we would be much, much freer – even if a New Deal were passed every decade, even if the Progressive Era had never ended, even if the Great Society were three times as grandiose, even if Obama had been president for the last century. There are many threats to liberty, and all are worth taking seriously. But nothing has approached war when it comes to destroying American liberty. And abroad, war has created conditions that almost always lead to less freedom and security, not more, for most people involved."


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