segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2016

Crítica (errada) do libertarianismo

What’s the Matter with Libertarianism?

Its models of human nature and society are terminally deficient.
Posted Aug 01, 2011
So why is libertarianism unfair?  It rejects any responsibility for our mutual right to life, where we are all created approximately equal.  It would put freedom and property rights ahead of our basic needs, rather than the other way around.  It is also oblivious to the claims for reciprocity, an obligation to contribute a fair share to support the collective survival enterprise in return for the benefits that each of us receives.  And it is weak on the subject of equity (or social merit) as a criterion for respecting property rights.  It presumes a priori that property holdings are deserved, rather than making merit a precondition.  Imposing a test of merit would put strict limits on property rights.  Finally, it is anti-democratic in that it rejects the power of the majority to restrain our freedom and limit our property rights in the common interest, or for the general welfare.   

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