terça-feira, 31 de julho de 2018

PIB americano


Bernie Sanders

Planejamento totalitário

 “The Dangers of Totalitarian Planning: Past and Present.”
In the atmosphere of political divisiveness that exists in the land today, those on different sides of the political debate use the words “democracy” and “freedom”. But the words are not always clear in the meanings being assigned. Sometimes clarity is better attain...
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By Richard M. Ebeling | All forms of government intervention — taxation…

O caminho da servidão

Something remarkable I hadn't heard about before: audio of an NBC dramatization (!) of The Road to Serfdom. In it an actor playing Hayek tries to explain his message to average Americans.
NBC Radio's "Words at War" -- The Road to Serfdom, broadcast 15, May 1945. In this episode a…

segunda-feira, 30 de julho de 2018

A ideologia americana

Foda-se o estado / Foda-seoestado.com
Palestra proferida pelo Prof. Dr. Hans-Hermann Hoppe na Biblioteca Nacional Austríaca em 03/12/2016.

Medicare para todos

Medicina anarquista

“The first time I encountered Michael Laufer, he was throwing thousands of dollars worth of homemade medicine into a packed audience at Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE), a biennial conference in New York City.
““Does anyone here suffer from anaphylactic shock and not have access to epinephrine?” Laufer asked the audience. A few hands went up and Laufer stuffed a homemade EpiPen into one of them. “That’s one of the original ones we made,” he said. “Use it well.”
“After a few min...
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The Four Thieves Vinegar Collective is a network of tech-fueled anarchists…

A latino-americanização dos Estados Unidos

Everyone knows that one of the principal grievances of the right-wing involves the substantial amount of immigration from Latin America to the United States that has taken place in recent decades. …

Marxismo cultural

No deja de causar sorpresa el revuelo que ha causado el término…

Trabalhos a desaparecer

The future looks bleak for these 12 jobs...

Our rapidly changing economy is quickly making some…

Fake news

The massive study analyzes every contested news story in English across the span of Twitter’s existence—some 126,000 stories, tweeted by 3.5 million English-speaking users, over more than 10 years—and finds that the truth simply cannot compete with hoax and rumor.

Não há países libertários

Big Think Science
Why libertarianism is a marginal idea and not a universal value
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Big Think publicou um episódio da Página Big Think Science.
otest it, as the free market has no way to provide for poor children, the elderly, and other members of society who cannot contribute to the marketplace. As countries develop, they naturally initiate social spending programs. That's why libertarianism is a marginal idea, rather than a universal value—and it's likely to stay that way.
