terça-feira, 30 de abril de 2019

Mais dinheiro

Filosofia antireprodução

Melhor filósofo de todos os tempos herói maxymvm overlord power master god extremely safira golden deus mestre das estrelas grande líder pai de todos lucidez lvl hard

Ciência sem valor

Filosofia da tecnologia

Experimentos mentais

Economia do comportamento sexual

Declaração da liberdade econômica brasileira

Estado social em colapso

Será que iremos seguir o caminho da Finlândia ou poderemos evitar este desastre?
" As an increasing number of people live longer in retirement, the cost of providing pension and healthcare benefits can rise. Those increased costs are paid for by taxes collected from of the working-age population – who make up a smaller percentage of the population than in decades past.
In 2018, those aged 65 or over made up 21.4% of Finland's population, the fourth highest after German...
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segunda-feira, 29 de abril de 2019

Inteligência artificial

The more I learn about AI/Machine Learning/Deep Learning in my data analytics course on my journey to be a data scientist, the more I realize the 'fears' and 'hopes' of AI are radically overstated. The machines are not 'learning'. They will never replace us.

Marxismo cultural

Political correctness isn't a communist plot.