quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2009

Propriedade intelectual

Intellectual Property — A Libertarian CritiquePosted by Kevin Carson on May 14, 2009 in Studies3 comments
In this study, Kevin Carson reviews libertarian perspectives on “intellectual property”; the ethics of the practice itself and the harms resulting from it. He finds that IP is an artificial, rather than natural, property right; creating scarcity rather than managing it. In that capacity, it has acted as an unjust and irrational state subsidy to corporate capitalism — distorting markets, doing violence to the concept of real property rights, forcibly transfering wealth to parasitic cartels and generally having a pernicious impact on the US domestic and global economies that is difficult to overstate. He concludes by debunking the myth of IP as supposedly necessary for incentive reasons.
Download: Intellectual Property — A Libertarian Critique

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