sexta-feira, 19 de junho de 2009

Educação ruim

O problema com a educação de hoje é falta completa de fragmentação e diferenciação. Enquanto no resto da sociedade temos mais e mais produtos e estilos de vida diferenciada, o sistema educacional (seja no Brasil ou, veja abaixo, nos Estado Unidos) ainda segue o modelo unitário do passado com a meta da clonagem das crianças individuais (neste contexto vale ver o filme de Pink Floyd "The Wall").

As Karen De Coster noted in her own discussion of the Bryce Harper story,

"The public education system, which is a disastrous, wealth-destroying, failed endeavor, is held up as the standard by which we must all live. You go where they tell you to go, stay at the educational level they put you at, advance when they tell you to advance, slog through what they put in front of you, believe what they tell you to believe, and finish your "education" at a chronological age that somebody somewhere determined should be the age when you should be set free to live out your life. Your innate ability, your desire, your interests, your foundational knowledge - none of that matters because public education is set up to equalize and collectivize children so that they are all on the same pre-determined schedule. Still, people are surprised each time they hear about a 15-year-old attending college or an 18-year-old graduating from college. They were taught that children should all advance together through the education system based on chronological age and do exactly what every other kid their age is doing. The masses never question the irrationality of such nonsense. And you wonder why the American educational system is producing mostly professional consumers, couch potatoes, and TV-watching, amusement-demanding, non-reading robots."

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