sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

O estado do mundo

Robert Higgs explica: 
The greatest problem mankind faces in the present world consists in the conjunction of these conditions: (1) people virtually everywhere on earth have political rulers; (2) these rulers are more or less, depending on the particular case, homicidal sociopaths and psychopaths; (3) these rulers now possess either weapons of mass destruction or the capability of creating such weapons; (4) the likelihood that they will never use such weapons is very small; and (5) when these weapons are used on a large scale, civilization -- and perhaps the human race itself -- will be destroyed. In short, the nightmare in which the human race now finds itself trapped emerges from the existence of the modern, technologically advanced state. Each day that passes without utter catastrophe is almost a miracle. But the probability of a long succession of such days is vanishingly small. Do the math.

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