quinta-feira, 18 de julho de 2013

Os perígos da médicina moderna

More than two-thousand years ago Hippocrates was the first physician to issue a word of caution about the over-use of medicines.  Hippocrates invoked an oath to “first do no harm” before doctors reach for the latest nostrum.
In 1976 Austrian philosopher and Catholic priest Ivan Illich, in his book Medical Nemesis, launched what was then considered “the gravest health hazard we face today: our medical system.”
Illich was unforgiving.  The first sentence in his text reads: “The medical establishment has become a major threat to health.”  His second sentence:  “The disabling impact of professional control over medicine has reached the proportions of an epidemic.”  Readers needn’t have read another sentence but to obtain the details.
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Other books followed that cited the ongoing horrors of modern medicine:
1988: Medicine on Trial, by Charles B. Inlander
1988: Worse Than The Disease, by Diana B. Dutton
1992: Racketeering in Medicine, by James P. Carter MD
1993: Making Medicine, Making Money, by Donald Drake & Marian Uhlman
1994: Bitter Medicine, by Jane Kassler MD
1994: Why I Left Orthodox Medicine, by Derrick Lonsdale MD
2007: Overtreated, by Shannon Brownlee
2008: Overdosed America, John Abramson MD
2010: Overdiagnosed, H. Gilbert Welch MD

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