domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013

Marxismo como ele é

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"Marxism is a philosophy of malevolence and hatred. It is, from beginning to end, a criminal activity. It begins with theft and ends with murder. Marxism is, to use Ayn Rand’s phrase, the embodiment of 'the morality of death.' It is inimical to the requirements of human life. It is a system that denies man the ability to function as a rational, independent being because it denies him what his nature requires: the freedom to think and act. . . .

"[Marxism] is the single worst blight to have affected human life over the course of man’s entire history; . . . those who advocate it represent the very definition of human evil and must be openly judged and condemned accordingly.

"Those who love life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness must never forget the true nature and historical crimes of Marxism. And we must not let others get away with evading them. So, let us end by recalling the words of Ayn Rand: 'The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it.' Let us now withdraw that sanction—permanently." —C. Bradley Thompson

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