sexta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2013

Pesquisa sem valor

"My problem with the formal rankings being used to measure research is that they give zero weights to large numbers of research activities that are central to new ideas developing. That zero weighting leads researchers away from these unweighted activities and toward weighted activities. It leads rational researchers to focus on small journalpublishable ideas, and to deemphasize large ideas that might be more interesting, and have a larger research payoff. It also leads them to worry less about what their research is contributing to knowledge or society, and more to whether it is publishable. The publication of the paper becomes an end in itself. That has happened in the United States. 
Essentially, my conclusion of my most recent study of top U.S. graduate economic programs (Colander 2006, 2007) is that these graduate programs have become specialists at producing highly efficient journal-article writers, but far less proficient at producing broad-based research economists and far less proficient at teaching undergraduates."

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