terça-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2013


"The past century has seen humanity turn its back on religion in the name of a so-called “progress” that, in reality, has been a frenzy of murderous debauchery. More people have been killed by “progressive” creeds like communism and Nazism in the past century than were ever killed in the so-called religious wars of the past. In the world before religion was banished by the new godless creeds of secularism, there were no labour camps, no concentration camps, no gas chambers, no blitzkrieg, no Hiroshimas or Nagasakis. And yet the new atheists, proclaiming the creed of “progress”, have the sheer temerity and audacity to claim that religion not sin causes war and bloodshed! And as for our own culture, it is considered “progressive” to legalize the killing of babies in the womb."
G. K. Chesterton

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