sábado, 30 de abril de 2016

Dirigir mesmo

Legalize Drunk DrivingLegalize Drunk Driving
Most people have been there: a few drinks at a restaurant or bar and then into the car to get home. Am I over the legal limit? Hard to say. Is my driving impaired? It doesn’t seem to be. But what if I get stopped? Will I lose my license, go to jail, and be disgraced in front of the community? It’s a frightening prospect.
What’s especially strange about this is the reason I fear. My arrest and punishment would not be for driving recklessly or for endangering other drivers. It would be because I failed a test of something that is not materially related to my actual driving.
The law is arbitrary and shifts with the political season. The perpetrators can’t really be sure if they are over or under the limit. And we all have vast experience with people who drink surprising amounts of liquor and drive all the time, but never get in accidents and do not seem to be driving in an unsafe way.
Then there are the frequent cases in which cops arrest people for DUI who are stopped for something else, like a burned-out tail light. I’ve known of people who have been arrested in their own driveways, having gotten home safely and harmed no one. They are arrested and imprisoned, a humiliating and terrible experience for anyone to go through.

sexta-feira, 29 de abril de 2016

Crimes esquecidos

Why are we so understanding towards the crimes of Communism?

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On June 1, 2015, a deeply shocking event took place in the former Communist-ruled Hungary. A Court of Second Instance (lower appeals court) voided an earlier court’s finding that a top Communist official and one of the instigators of reprisals against the 1956 Freedom Fighters, Béla Biszku (94), was guilty of war crimes and was responsible for the murder of unarmed demonstrators in Budapest during the dying days of the Hungarian Revolution.
Figures of these reprisals vary, but over 20,000 people were interned, and another 20,000 were jailed and some 400 executed. A certain number were even kidnapped from nearby states and either murdered on the spot or brought before kangaroo courts.

One of the main movers behind these shocking figures, obviously a man with blood on his hands, now walks free.
By contrast, the trial of Oskar Gröning, a Nazi bookkeeper (also 94 years old) who worked at Auschwitz, who killed no one, and who tried to get himself assigned to another job, has been reported around the world. He was found guilty by a court in Germany and sentenced to four years in prison.

So why did a war criminal go free in Hungary, and why did you likely not even hear about it?

O holocausto esquecido

A Holocaust Forgotten

Four and a half centuries before the Holocaust, thousands of Jews in Lisbon were tortured and killed for heresy on Easter.
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If you visit Lisbon today, in the downtown square you can find a half of a stone orb resting on a slab. Within the stone circle is the Star of David, etched with the following:
"In memory of the thousands of Jews who were victimized by intolerance and religious fanaticism, killed on the massacre that started on 19 April 1506, on this square."
The Lisbon Massacre, also known as the 1506 Easter Slaughter, is one of the many sad stories of Jewish oppression in Europe. The event, which took place 510 years ago, offers insight into the deep religious intolerance that infected the continent during the 16th century. The event foreshadowed the religious Inquisition that would spawn in Portugal a generation later.

The seeds of the slaughter can be traced to Spain’s own Inquisition. Following Spain’s victory over Muslim forces at Granada in 1492, the Inquisition saw an opportunity to restore all of Spain to Christians. All that was required was the expulsion of some 200,000 Jews from the peninsula. The order was issued by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella on July 30 (a fact Columbus casually notes in his diary). Jews still remaining in Spain, an estimated 50,000-80,000 people, were put on ships and removed.
There were not a lot of nations looking to take in tens of thousands of Jews. In fact, Jews had already been expelled from England, France, and parts of Germany. Nearby Portugal, a nation of a million or so people, ironically was one of the few places many Jews were able to settle. Perhaps as many as 100,000 Jews found homes there under King Manuel I.

quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2016

Ciência não é um bem público?

Por que o governo não deve investir na ciência

 | por admin and Terence Kealey

Palestra realizada por Terence Kealey na quinta conferência anual Property and Freedom Society. Evento realizado em 3-7 de Junho, no Hotel Karia Princess em Bodrum, Turquia.
Transcrição e tradução de Robson da Silva.
Revisão e sincronização de Juliano Torres.

terça-feira, 26 de abril de 2016

Cristianismo na África

The Explosion of Christianity in Africa


The Explosion of Christianity in Africa
In the twentieth century, Christianity in Africa exploded from an estimated population of eight or nine million in 1900 (8 to 9%) to some 335 million in 2000 (45%), marking a shift in the “center of gravity of Christianity” from the West to Latin America, parts of Asia and Africa. We thank the Overseas Ministries Study Center (OMSC) for the information and material used in this issue. Statistical information provided by David Barrett.
At the turn of the 20th century, Christianity was virtually nonexistent in many parts of Africa but is now the faith of the majority, as the following figures demonstrate:

Christians in 1900
% Christians in 2000
Other African countries with a significant Christian population are:

Sociedade sem Deus

The West Dies With Its Gods

In a recent column Dennis Prager made an acute observation. “The vast majority of leading conservative writers … have a secular outlook on life. … They are unaware of the disaster that godlessness in the West has led to.”
These secular conservatives may think that “America can survive the death of God and religion,” writes Prager, but they are wrong. And, indeed, the last half-century seems to bear him out.
A people’s religion, their faith, creates their culture, and their culture creates their civilization. And when faith dies, the culture dies, the civilization dies, and the people begin to die.  Is this not the recent history of the West?
Today, no great Western nation has a birthrate that will prevent the extinction of its native-born. By century’s end, other peoples and other cultures will have largely repopulated the Old Continent.
European Man seems destined to end like the 10 lost tribes of Israel—overrun, assimilated, and disappeared. And while the European peoples—Russians, Germans, Brits, Balts—shrink in number, the U.N. estimates that the population of Africa will double in 34 years to well over 2 billion people.
What happened to the West? As G. K. Chesterton wrote, when men cease to believe in God, they do not then believe in nothing, they believe in anything.


“You see, but you do not observe.”
Sherlock Holmes to Dr. John Watson in A Scandal in Bohemia

segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2016


“What is history but a fable agreed upon” – Napoleon Bonaparte

Grande Playboy entrevista com Murray Rothbard

Penthouse Interviews Murray Rothbard

The Murray Rothbard wall poster depicts a graying professor pecking at a typewriter. His words rise magically from the machine and blend into a black flag of anarchy rippling above his head. Beneath the drawing is the caption: “Murray N. Rothbard—the greatest living enemy of the state.” The poster, like almost everything else relating to politics, causes Rothbard to laugh. He has a penchant for humor that, in his younger days, let him to write an Off-Broadway play, Mozart Was a Red, which poked fun at the Ayn Rand cult of the individual. Today he still laughs very easily. If someone mentions the name of almost any establishment economist or political figure, Rothbard will respond with a nasal guffaw. Abe Beame, Jerry Ford, Hubert Humphrey, John Kenneth Galbraith, Alan Greenspan, Ronald Reagan—they all receive the same response: a laugh followed by a theoretical disputation in which Rothbard employs buzz-saw logic to rip into these persons he views as enemies of liberty, prosperity, and the common good.
Rothbard’s freewheeling style and strong opinions have gradually earned him a public following. Today he is regarded as the chief theorist and spokesman for the new libertarian philosophy—a role he relishes after years of obscurity spent writing economic tomes and articles in scholarly periodicals. Now he frequently appears on national television, and he is much in demand as a speaker on college campuses. His many books, some of which were long out of print, are reappearing in new editions issued by major publishers. And they have begun to sell. The first two volumes of Rothbard’s five-volume history of Colonial America and the Revolution,Conceived in Liberty, have become “best-sellers” among scholarly books.

Rutina do dia dos génios

The Daily Routines Of The World's Most Famous Creative People

From Darwin to Mozart, this data visualization of Daily Rituals: How Artists Workshows you how the super-achievers spent their time.


Trozos de Historia: Hace 82 años el comunista Stalin mató de hambre a 10 millones de ucranianos.

Delegaciones de 44 países, incluidos los presidentes de Polonia, Letonia, Lituania y Georgia, conmemoraron ese sábado junto a Ucrania el 75 aniversario de la hambruna estalinista, desatada por las autoridades soviéticas en 1932-1933 y que segó millones de vidas.

Ucrania cifra en hasta diez millones los ucranianos muertos durante el trágico bienio, aunque otros cálculos hablan de siete millones de víctimas, y sostiene que la hambruna fue planificada y perpetrada por el régimen soviético. “La hambruna de 1932-1933 fue una de las mayores catástrofes humanitarias de la Historia”, dijo el presidente ucraniano, Víctor Yúschenko, al intervenir en el foro “Mi pueblo siempre vivirá”, dedicado al aniversario de la tragedia.

Paris na visão de Bastiat

"On coming to Paris for a visit, I said to myself: Here are a million human beings who would all die in a few days if supplies of all sorts did not flow into this great metropolis. It staggers the imagination to try to comprehend the vast multiplicity of objects that must pass through its gates tomorrow, if its inhabitants are to be preserved from the horrors of famine, insurrection, and pillage. And yet all are sleeping peacefully at this moment, without being disturbed for a single instant by the idea of so frightful a prospect. On the other hand, eighty departments have worked today, without co-operative planning or mutual arrangements, to keep Paris supplied. How does each succeeding day manage to bring to this gigantic market just what is necessary—neither too much nor too little? What, then, is the resourceful and secret power that governs the amazing regularity of such complicated movements, a regularity in which everyone has such implicit faith, although his prosperity and his very life depend upon it? That power is an absolute principle, the principle of free exchange. We put our faith in that inner light which Providence has placed in the hearts of all men, and to which has been entrusted the preservation and the unlimited improvement of our species, a light we term self-interest, which is so illuminating, so constant, and so penetrating, when it is left free of every hindrance. Where would you be, inhabitants of Paris, if some cabinet minister decided to substitute for that power contrivances of his own invention, however superior we might suppose them to be; if he proposed to subject this prodigious mechanism to his supreme direction, to take control of all of it into his own hands, to determine by whom, where, how, and under what conditions everything should be produced, transported, exchanged, and consumed? Although there may be much suffering within your walls, although misery, despair, and perhaps starvation, cause more tears to flow than your warmhearted charity can wipe away, it is probable, I dare say it is certain, that the arbitrary intervention of the government would infinitely multiply this suffering and spread among all of you the ills that now affect only a small number of your fellow citizens." -- Frederic Bastiat

Crítica (errada) do libertarianismo

What’s the Matter with Libertarianism?

Its models of human nature and society are terminally deficient.
Posted Aug 01, 2011
So why is libertarianism unfair?  It rejects any responsibility for our mutual right to life, where we are all created approximately equal.  It would put freedom and property rights ahead of our basic needs, rather than the other way around.  It is also oblivious to the claims for reciprocity, an obligation to contribute a fair share to support the collective survival enterprise in return for the benefits that each of us receives.  And it is weak on the subject of equity (or social merit) as a criterion for respecting property rights.  It presumes a priori that property holdings are deserved, rather than making merit a precondition.  Imposing a test of merit would put strict limits on property rights.  Finally, it is anti-democratic in that it rejects the power of the majority to restrain our freedom and limit our property rights in the common interest, or for the general welfare.   


  • "A história da república presidencialista brasileira é uma sucessão de golpes e do desenvolvimento de uma tradição política autoritária. A república nasceu maculada com o golpe militar que derrubou a monarquia. A república começou com duas ditaduras (Deodoro da Fonseca e Floriano Peixoto). A República Velha terminou em estado de sítio seguido de um go...lpe militar. A Era Vargas começou com um golpe eufemisticamente chamado de “Revolução de 1930” e sediou um golpe dentro do golpe em 1937, eufemisticamente batizado de “Estado Novo”. Um golpe afastou Getúlio Vargas do poder em 1945 e novas eleições foram convocadas. Em 1964, um contragolpe impediu o golpe orquestrado pelas forças ideológicas e políticas que sustentavam o governo de João Goulart. Golpe, portanto, não é novidade no Brasil. Novidade é acusar de golpe aquilo."
  • Bruno Garschagen
  • http://www.gazetadopovo.com.br/opiniao/colunistas/bruno-garschagen/quem-afinal-e-o-grande-golpista-2fz1z7h7s89456sjsrplj0mjb

domingo, 24 de abril de 2016


The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime, and the punishment of his guilt. - John Philpot Curran (1750-1817), Irish lawyer and politician. Speech, July 10, 1790, Dublin.

sábado, 23 de abril de 2016

Companheiro Che

Tiradentes - mais um engano da história

Tiradentes é um dos mais graves enganos da História, contada a partir da república. Há algumas décadas passadas celebrava-se o 21 de abril. Nada mais justo: descobrimento do Brasil: Agora não. O 21...