segunda-feira, 24 de setembro de 2018

A auto-decepção dos intelectuais

"That Paul Hollander is not more widely celebrated by his own discipline is perhaps itself something of a corroboration of the ascendancy of the alienated, adversary intellectual culture that has been the central theme in much of his research. The wide learning, rigorous intellectual spirit, and grand vision evident in that work could once be found with some frequency in American sociology, in the books and articles of men like Robert Merton, Seymour Martin Lipset, Edward Shi...
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SocietyDecember 2017, Volume 54, Issue 6, pp 564–572 | Cite asOn How and Why Intellectuals Deceive Themselves: A Paul Hollander RetrospectiveAuthorsAuthors and affiliationsAlexander RileyProfileFirst Online: 18 October 2017 430 Downloads One of a Dwindling BreedThat Paul Hollander is not more wide...

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