quinta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2018


“If we ignore that technology is by its very name a job destroyer that frees people to fix bigger and bigger problems, and if we further ignore that it's in the parts of the world where job-destroying technology is most prevalent that people are working and prospering the most, we can't ignore Say's Law. It's a reminder that all demand is preceded by supply. Better yet, to supply is to explicitly express demand. This truism will hopefully calm those who naively think "robots" will drive us to breadlines. No one would produce technology for a population set to go on the dole. Assuming robots fulfill the vast potential ascribed to them by alarmists, people won't be put out of work as much as they'll fall in love with it. My guess is that we'll call this economy of happy workers the Entertainment Economy.”
All demand is preceded by the supply. To write what is so obvious seems a waste of words, but it’s necessary in the age of the robot. Economist Steve Horwitz sums up the previous point rather...

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