quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2015

Comunismo na América

How Communism Almost Killed the Second Thanksgiving

And how prayer and property rights saved the day.

By  Published on November 25, 2015
"The First Thanksgiving" by Jeon Leon Gerome Ferris
We’ve all heard some version of the story of Thanksgiving, whether as a story of pilgrim gratitude toward helpful Indians or gratitude for God’s providential care. But there’s more to the story: communism.
If you’ve forgotten your history lessons, here is a quick review: the first year after the Mayflower landed was a hard one. Only half of the Puritans who had originally set out from England survived, and when the ship arrived at Plymouth, many of the pilgrims fell ill and died. Those who survived found that their Old World farming methods did not work as well in the New World as they had hoped. They could not grow enough food to survive.

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