sexta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2015

Economia evolucionária

From Political Gridlock to Scientific Progress. The Promise of Evonomics

Can the Left and the Right play by the rules?

By David Sloan Wilson
Evolutionists who take an interest in economics often fall along a political spectrum, just like other folks. Right-leaning evolutionists include Larry Arnhart (Darwinian Conservatism), Michael Shermer (The Mind of the Market), and Matt Ridley, whose book The Evolution of Everything (not to be confused with my own Evolution for Everyone) is hot off the press. Left-leaning evolutionists include Herbert Gintis (The Bounds of Reason), Samuel Bowles (A Cooperative Species), Lynn Stout (Cultivating Conscience), and Peter Singer (The Most Good You Can Do). Evolutionists such as Jonathan Haidt (The Righteous Mind) and Robert Frank (The Darwin Economy ) hold down the center and offer interesting commentary on the left-right divide.
It would be easy to conclude that nothing new is taking place, other than a new playing field for the same old tired gridlock. On the contrary, I think that something new is taking place, or at least can take place — which is the promise of Evonomics.

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