sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2016

Fantasias tecnológicas de 1900 - os sonhos e a realidade


Pobreza na Argentina

Argentina discloses poverty data after three-year gap

Al Jazeera

Mitologias da história brasileira

Cabral estava atrás de tempero, a feijoada foi inventada por escravos e Portugal…

Histórias mitológicas contam a evolução

"By and large, structures of mythical stories, which sometimes remain unchanged for thousands of years, closely parallel the history of large-scale human migratory movements. Ironically, phylogenetic analysis reveals that one of the most enchanting mythical stories of sudden transformation—the Pygmalion story—is a prime example of this stable pattern of evolution."
Analyzing how stories change in the retelling down through the generations sheds light on the history of human migration going as far back as the Paleolithic period|Por Julien d'Huy

A direita no poder

Mundo estranho


– “Capitalismo estabilizado é uma contradição em termos” Joseph Alois…|Por Pedro Lula Mota

Como ensinar

quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2016

Mais uma ideia absurda de Graeber

Anthropologist David Graeber: "The answer clearly isn’t economic: it’s moral and political. The ruling class has figured out that a happy and productive population with free time on their hands is a mortal danger (think of what started to happen when this even began to be approximated in the ‘60s)."
It’s as if someone were out there making up pointless jobs just for the sake of keeping us all working.|Por Evonomics

Escravidão na Grécia antiga

10 Fascinating Facts About Slavery In Ancient Greece


quarta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2016

Poder de vontade

"If you start encountering a rough morning, go outside for a few minutes and repeat some more positive affirmations to yourself."
The secrets used by Navy SEALs and US Olympians to build mental willpower.|Por Elle Kaplan

terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2016

A guerra de cem anos

Land Forces of the Hundred Years War
Fought from 1337 to 1453, the Hundred Years War was one of the most significant conflicts of the late Middle Ages. As the Plantagenet kings of…

Sobre Alan Greenspan

""Sebastian Mallaby's magisterial biography of Alan Greenspan, the product of over five years of research based on untrammeled access to his subject and his closest professional and personal intimates, brings into vivid focus the mysterious point where the government and the economy meet. To understand Greenspan's story is to see the economic and political landscape of the last 30 years--and the presidency from Reagan to George W. Bush--in a whole new light. As the most influ...
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The definitive biography of the most important economic statesman of our time   Sebastian Mallaby's magisterial biography of Alan Greenspan, the product of…

A ilusão do Brexit

Cálculação econômica no socialismo

Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth | Ludwig von Mises vía @feeonline
There are many socialists who have never come to grips in any way with the problems of economics, and who have made no attempt at all to form for themselves any clear conception of the conditions which determine the character of human society.…|Por Ludwig von Mises

Lógica orwelliana

In many European countries, it's illegal for speech to "insult," "offend," or "incite hatred." E.U. leaders say this is to protect freedom of speech.

Propriedade intelectual

How I Changed My Mind on Intellectual Property

Isaac M. Morehouse

O mundo da dívida

The whole world has too much of it. History suggests this won’t end well.
The whole world has too much of it. History suggests: This won’t end well.

Think Tanks libertários

Think tanks are attracting more followers on their Twitter, Facebook, and even…|Por Alejandro Antonio Chafuen

Cîencia neuronal

Nautilus Magazine

Corvids, such as crows, ravens, and magpies, are among the most intelligent birds on the planet—the list of their cognitive achievements goes on and on—yet neuroscientists have not scrutinized their brains for one simple reason: They don’t have a neocortex.
The animals of neuroscience research are an eclectic bunch, and for good reason.

Economia do Socialismo Soviético

This book discusses the central problems of political economy and provides the serious reader with deep insight and complete understanding of the greatest event of the twentieth century: the rise and fall of communism.
Springer (1990) | Peter Boettke

Howard Zinn

"The tenet of radical history that has aged least well is its subordination of analytical problems to political sympathies. The New Left historians were hardly the first cohort of scholars to enlist history in the service of a political crusade or a social agenda. The idea was put forward, in different form, by the Progressive historians of Charles Beard’s time, notably James Harvey Robinson, and many subsequent schools and individuals later embraced it, including some of the... Cold War anti-Communists against whom the New Left historians were rebelling. Conversely, many scholarly-minded radical historians grasped the foolishness, even the danger, of allowing present-day politics to shape one’s readings of past events. It was Christopher Lasch who decried “the worst features of progressive historiography reappear[ing] under the auspices of the new left: drastic simplification of issues; … reading present concerns back into the past; strident partisanship.” Quoting Zinn’s directive for historians to decide “from a particular ethical base what is the action-need of the moment and to concentrate on that aspect of the truth-complex which fulfills that need,” Lasch growled: “In the face of such critics, the consensus historians need no defense.”"
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Howard Zinn copied, pasted, and simplified his way to A People's History of the United States. The rest of his scholarship wasn't much better.

Educação vocacional

U.S. employers struggling to find enough qualified industrial workers are turning to Germany for a solution to plug the U.S. skills gap: vocational training.|Por Elizabeth Schulze

Mises Institute

Consider this, the Mises Institute today is “searched for” more around the world than such prominent beltway organizations as the Heritage Foundation, Brookings Institute, or the Council on Foreign Relations — and with a fraction of the budget of these establishment giants. The case can be made that no research organization in the world makes a bigger impact with its resources than the Mises Institute.

segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2016

Já sabia?

Marte é realmente habitado por colônias de escravos humanos
Bases empresas em Marte e Nazi infiltração de segredo programa espacial dos EUAO informante do programa espacial secreto, "Corey" Goode (aka…

Desenvolvimento e empreendedorismo

Advances in Austrian Economics | Christopher Coyne and Peter Boettke


The year 1517 is considered one of those historical watersheds—like 1789, 1914, or 1968—at which Western societies took a radical turn away from hitherto prevailing political, economic, cultural, or religious settings. Such shifts, however, never come from nowhere. History’s time-bombs are invariabl...

Fazer anotações

Fazer anotações durante a aula é uma das melhores técnicas de estudo via @guiadoestudante
Fazer anotações durante a aula é uma das melhores técnicas de estudo…