segunda-feira, 31 de maio de 2021
Política de medo
"We need an inquiry into the use of fear tactics during the pandemic, which has caused immense collateral damage"…
domingo, 30 de maio de 2021
Luta sobre instituições
The Enduring Tension by Don Devine is fascinating, informative, substantive, and entertaining. Covering everything from the origins of Western civilization to the modern debate between capitalism and socialism, the book offers a rich commentary on how the moral assumptions of the West are indispensable to a free society.
1837 - Primeira lei de educação: negros não podem ir à escola
Números contra estadísticas
Is this graph real or is it bunk? As my boss used to say, numbers don't lie, but statistics do!
Guerra antiga
The battles seem to have featured some truly nasty weapons – multipoint arrows and spears, purposely designed to cause maximal laceration and bleeding
Uma obra completa sobre o constitucionalismo alemão, de 1849 a 1949, com a constituição bismarckiana de 1871 e a da República de Weimar (1919), que influenciou a brasileira de 1934.