quinta-feira, 19 de março de 2009

Syllabi em sociologia econômica


Course Title: Economic SociologyLecturer: Zhelyu Vladimirov
Optional Course for undergraduate students held at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski.” Download
Course Title: Economic Sociology: What Counts?Lecturer: David StarkGraduate seminar, held in fall 2004 at the Department of Sociology, Columbia University Download
Course Title: Soziologie der Märkte (Sociology of Markets)Lecturer: Sophie MützelSeminar des Lehrbereichs Vergleichende Strukturanalyse, Wintersemester 2004/ 2005 , Humboldt Universität Berlin Download

4. http://www.sociologia.ufsc.br/programas/cso6008(20051).html

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