sexta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2012

História do estado de bem-estar

"Young people today are being robbed. Of their rights. Of their freedom. Of their dignity. Of their futures. The culprits? My generation and our predecessors, who either created or failed to stop the world-straddling engine of theft , degradation, manipulation, and social control we call the welfare state...
The welfare state is responsible for two current crises: the financial crisis that has slowed down or even reversed growth and stalled economies around the world, and the debt crisis that is gripping Europe, the United States, and other countries. It has piled mountains of debt on the shoulders of the most vulnerable among us—children and young people—and has issued promises that are impossible to fulfi ll. The crisis of unfunded obligations is approaching. It won’t be pretty...
(T)he welfare state originated as an anti-democratic form of manipulation and tends to undermine democratic liberalism, sometimes subtly and sometimes spectacularly; and whether what the welfare state destroyed was in fact more humane, more eff ective, and more sustainable than what it put in its place. History, economics, sociology, political science, and mathematics should be our tools to understand and evaluate welfare states, rather than emotional responses or conspiracy theories. This little book is for those who prefer to ask hard questions and to pursue them with open minds. It’s time to ask the hard questions about what the welfare state has wrought, whether it is sustainable, and what should come aft er the welfare state."

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