sexta-feira, 2 de maio de 2014

História da persecução do judeus

Jewish Persecution
Judaism and Christianity stem from the same root, the Old Testament Scriptures. However, Judaism and
Christianity today, by and large, barely recognize this similarity. Part of this is due to the lies of Replacement
Theology and Dual Covenant Theology that circulate Christian pulpits. Yet much of it has to do with the fact
that throughout the centuries, Jewish People have been persecuted, massacred and tortured all under the name of Jesus Christ. Is it any wonder why Jewish People balk when Christians tell them that Jesus is the Messiah?
The list below contains a fraction of the persecutions that have come against the Jewish People throughout
the centuries. These are hard truths for both Christians and Jews and it is also why Messianic Jews are in such small number. But with love and understanding, it is our hope that the Church will become educated to their Jewish roots and be aware of the brutalities done to the Jewish People in the name of Christ and come up with a way to reach out to the Jewish People with the truth, in love.

70 AD Roman Army destroyed Jerusalem. Over 1 million Jews killed and 97,000 taken into slavery and captivity, many others scattered.

The Bar Kochba Rebellion (Bar Kochba was a false Messiah), caused the deaths of 500,000 Jews; thousands were sold into slavery or taken into captivity. Judaism no longer recognized as a legal religion. Israel as a nation was totally destroyed...


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