sábado, 3 de maio de 2014

Um caso para C.G. Jung

Sickly, an uncoordinated weakling with the pale fragile hands of a girl, speaking with a lisp and a slight stutter, he had been at the mercy of bullies.  They beat him, ridiculed him, and pelted him with cricket balls. (P. 17)
Churchill set out to change his image, much as Teddy Roosevelt was doing (but with not nearly the same danger, and for not nearly as many years) – and at around the same time.  He was commissioned in the cavalry, Fourth Hussars, in 1894.  He saw heavy fighting in the Khyber Pass in 1897. He was in the last cavalry charge at Omdurman in 1898.  He was captured in the Boer War in 1899; he subsequently escaped from capture.

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