segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2011


Sem moeda livre continuamos no estado de escravos:
Mike Rozeff explica: "Currency is the blood of human exchange. From currency arise prices, and prices are the air that peaceful exchange breathes, an air that communicates living information. Currency is the division of labor’s partner. Currency is our means to transfer labor and energy through time and space, to bring future goods into commerce today. It is that vital means by which we convey the benefits of our labor to others and they to us.
Mankind needs currency. It is absolutely essential to our welfare in any modern economy.
Do we want freedom and free markets? Then currency must be produced in freedom. Do we want to be controlled and directed by government in totalitarian style? Then currency will be in the hands of government as it is now.
What sort of order do we now have and what sort of order do we want to have? We now have an order of force. It is a corrupt and harmful order that destroys lives. It is an order of unjust laws written by unjust government to pay off privileged and select groups in society. It is an order of excessive and overbearing government that destroys healthy social relations. This is not a free market order. If we want a peaceful free market order built upon private property and recognizable and well-defined rights, we need to change direction. The order of force in all respects leads away from the free market order.
If we want freedom and free markets, we cannot and should not depend on one supplier of currency. That supplier, government through its central bank, playing dictator, has abused, will abuse and cannot help but abuse the power of issue. Its hidden and unstated goal, its raison d’être, is favoritism and privilege for itself and its friends...."
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Desestatização do Dinheiro
por Friedrich A. Haye

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