segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2012

Amor vence o medo

Frozen with Fear? How the Love Hormone Gets You Moving

In frightening situations, people tend to freeze, but not recent moms, who charge ahead. Now a new study shows how the brain speedily delivers the hormone oxytocin — which new mothers have in elevated levels, starting with childbirth — to where it's needed, freeing them to protect their young.
The study, done in rats, revealed that oxytocin rushes to the brain region governing fear, called the amygdala, courtesy of special cells that act like a neurological expressway.
Further, when the researchers provoked these cells into sending oxytocin to the amygdala, it diminished the rats' fearful responses to being startled.
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The Beatles: "All you need is love"'
Mateus 22:37-40 “Respondeu-lhe Jesus: Amarás ao Senhor teu Deus de todo o teu coração, de toda a tua alma, e de todo o teu entendimento. Este é o grande e primeiro mandamento. E o segundo, semelhante a este, é: Amarás ao teu próximo como a ti mesmo. Destes dois mandamentos dependem toda a lei e os profetas.”

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