quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2012

Progresso tecnológico: estagnação ou aceleração?

Topic: "Accelerating or Decelerating? The Prospects for Technology and Economic Growth"
Peter Thiel, Co-founder of PayPal, Technology Entrepreneur, Investor, and Philanthropist
George Gilder, Chairman, George Gilder Fund Management, and Senior Fellow, Discovery Institute
Peter Thiel's thesis that technological progress is decelerating has been featured prominently as of late in a number of opinion journals and popular magazines, while George Gilder holds to the supremely optimistic premise of his famous 'Microcosm: The Quantum Revolution in Economics and Technology'.
Moderator: William Davidow, High-technology Executive, Venture Investor, and Author of 'Overconnected: The Promise and Threat of the Internet'
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