sábado, 19 de dezembro de 2009


"If it were possible to calculate the future structure of the market," Mises wrote in Human Action, "the future would not be uncertain. There would be neither entrepreneurial loss nor profit. What people expect from the economists is beyond the power of any mortal man."

The myth of modern science

Henry Bauer explains: "... It never was really true, of course, as the conventional wisdom tends even now to imagine, that "the scientific method" guarantees objectivity, that scientists work impersonally to discover truth, that scientists are notably smarter, more trustworthy, more honest, so tied up in their work that they neglect everything else, don’t care about making money . . . But it is true that for centuries scientists weren’t subject to multiple and powerful conflicts of interest. There is no "scientific method." Science is done by people; people aren’t objective. Scientists are just like other professionals – to use a telling contemporary parallel, scientists are professionals just like the wheelers and dealers on Wall Street: not exactly dishonest, but looking out first and foremost for Number One..."
Read more

sábado, 28 de novembro de 2009

O mito do aquecimento global

By Paul Hudson
Climate correspondent, BBC News
Average temperatures have not increased for over a decade.This headline may come as a bit of a surprise, so too might that fact that the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998. But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures.
And our climate models did not forecast it, even though man-made carbon dioxide, the gas thought to be responsible for warming our planet, has continued to rise.
So what on Earth is going on?
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Ciências corruptas






Tempos de descontento

Why is there discontent? Too many stupid and dysfunctional rules and regulations. Too many taxes. Too many subsidies. Too many obstacles to getting ahead. Too many intrusions. Too much interference. Too many injustices. Too many forced inequities. Too many people getting fat on the work of others. Too many people taking unfair advantage. Too little headway against problems. Too much control by others. Too much compulsion. Too much government. Too much bureaucratization. Too much compulsory centralization. Do this, do that. Don’t do this, don’t do that. --
Michael S. Rozeff

sexta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2009

Previsões de medo sem valor

"... Once I looked at Chernobyl, I began to recall other fears in my life that had never come true. The population bomb, for one. Paul Ehrlich predicted mass starvation in the 1960s. Sixty million Americans starving to death. Didn't happen. Other scientists warned of mass species extinctions by the year 2000. Ehrlich himself predicted that half of all species would become extinct by 2000. Didn't happen. The Club of Rome told us we would run out of raw materials ranging from oil to copper by the 1990s. That didn't happen, either.
It's no surprise that predictions frequently don't come true. But such big ones! And so many! All my life I worried about the decay of the environment, the tragic loss of species, the collapse of ecosystems. I feared poisoning by pesticides, alar on apples, falling sperm counts from endocrine disrupters, cancer from power lines, cancer from saccharine, cancer from cell phones, cancer from computer screens, cancer from food coloring, hair spray, electric razors, electric blankets, coffee, chlorinated water...it never seemed to end.
Only once, when on the same day I read that beer was a preservative of heart muscle and also a carcinogen did I begin to sense the bind I was in..."
Michael Crichton

terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2009


"... This year marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin, and Nov. 24 marks the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species, the landmark work in which Darwin laid forth his theory of natural selection. While celebrations have emphasized the British naturalist's giant role in the advancement of human progress, British political journalist Dennis Sewell is not convinced. In a new book, The Political Gene: How Darwin's Ideas Changed Politics, he highlights how often - and how easily - Darwin's big idea has been harnessed for sinister political ends. According to Sewell, evolution is scientifically undeniable, but its contribution to human well-being is unclear..."
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terça-feira, 17 de novembro de 2009

Tecnica, ética e economia

ORLANDO, Fla. – For the first time, a miniature heart pump shows the potential to become a widely used, permanent treatment for many older people with severe heart failure. But can we afford it?
In a study of 200 patients, the new device increased by four times the number who survived at least two years compared with an older pump that had drawbacks limiting its use, doctors reported Tuesday.
However, the HeartMate II costs $80,000 plus $45,000 or so for the surgery and the hospital stay necessary to implant it.
"It will allow older people who are not heart transplant patients to stay alive but at a higher cost. It's all about who's going to pay," said Cleveland Clinic heart chief Dr. Steven Nissen, who had no role in the research...
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Index mundial de corrupção

Ranking 2009

Empreendedorismo e a criação da riqueza

MAKING POOR NATIONS RICH: Entrepreneurship and the Process of Economic Development
Edited by Benjamin Powell

LESSONS FROM THE POOR: Triumph of the Entrepreneurial Spirit
Edited by Alvaro Vargas Llosa

segunda-feira, 12 de outubro de 2009

Teoria das Instituições

Premio Nobel em economia 2009 para Oliver E. Williamson e Elinor Ostrom
veja o artigo de Williamson sobre escolha e contrato
e a entrevista com Ostrom sobre sustentabilidade ecolôgica-social
pp. 246
Mais sobre a pesquisa de Elinor Ostram
Mais sobre a pesquisa de Oliver E. Williamson
veja também a Contribuição mais recente para esta linha de pesquisa
Background artigo sobre Nova sociologia econômica e nova teoria das instituições Richter

sábado, 10 de outubro de 2009

Premio Nobel de Paz 2009

O testamento de Nobel diz que o premio vai receber “the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity among nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses” ...
Obama 2009:

segunda-feira, 5 de outubro de 2009

Peer review

In Econ Journal Watch, David R. Hakes tells a funny or chilling story of a paper he co-wrote with a colleague:

I immersed myself in the literature for a few of months so that I could more precisely fit our contribution into the existing literature. We managed to reduce the equations in the paper to six. At this stage the paper was perfectly clear and was written at a level so that it could reach a broad audience. When we submitted the paper to risk, uncertainty, and insurance journals, the referees responded that the results were self-evident. After some degree of frustration, my coauthor suggested that the problem with the paper might be that we had made the argument too easy to follow, and thus referees and editors were not sufficiently impressed.... The resulting paper had fifteen equations, two propositions and proofs, dozens of additional mathematical expressions, and a mathematical appendix containing nineteen equations and even more mathematical expressions. I personally could no longer understand the paper and I could not possibly present the paper alone. The paper was published in the first journal to which we submitted.

sábado, 3 de outubro de 2009

Progresso científico

John Stuart Mill explica:

"In the case of any person whose judgment is really deserving of confidence, how has it become so? Because he has kept his mind open to criticism of his opinions and conduct. Because it has been his practice to listen to all that could be said against him; to profit by as much of it as was just, and expound to himself, and upon occasion to others, the fallacy of what was fallacious. Because he has felt, that the only way in which a human being can make some approach to knowing the whole of a subject, is by hearing what can be said about it by persons of every variety of opinion, and studying all modes in which it can be looked at by every character of mind. No wise man ever acquired his wisdom in any mode but this; nor is it in the nature of human intellect to become wise in any other manner. The steady habit of correcting and completing his own opinion by collating it with those of others, so far from causing doubt and hesitation in carrying it into practice, is the only stable foundation for a just reliance on it: for, being cognisant of all that can, at least obviously, be said against him, and having taken up his position against all gainsayers—knowing that he has sought for objections and difficulties, instead of avoiding them, and has shut out no light which can be thrown upon the subject from any quarter—he has a right to think his judgment better than that of any person, or any multitude, who have not gone through a similar process.

-         JS Mill, On Liberty Ch. 2, Paragraph 7 (http://www. econlib.org/ library/Mill/ mlLbty2.html# Chapter 2)

sábado, 26 de setembro de 2009

O mundo de hoje

"Improbable things happen; and probable things fail to happen."
-- Howard Marks, chairman of Oaktree, at Grant’s Fall 2009 Investment Conference


"... History courses aside, business schools need to change their tone more than their syllabuses. In particular, they should foster the twin virtues of scepticism and cynicism. Graduates in recent years, for example, seem to have accepted far too readily the notion that clever financial engineering could somehow abolish risk and uncertainty, when it probably made things worse. It is worth noting that such scepticism is second nature to the giants of financial economics, as opposed to the more junior propellerheads. Andrew Lo, of MIT’s Sloan School of Management, was fond of pointing out that in the physical sciences three laws can explain 99% of behaviour, whereas in finance 99 laws can explain at best 3% of behaviour..."
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quarta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2009

Verdade e verdades

Irving Kristol about the neocon concept of truth: "There are different kinds of truths for different kinds of people. There are truths appropriate for children; truths that are appropriate for students; truths that are appropriate for educated adults; and truths that are appropriate for highly educated adults, and the notion that there should be one set of truths available to everyone is a modern democratic fallacy. It doesn't work."[5][7]

terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2009

Estado e Integração: Palestra sobre a União Européia

O Desafio da Soberania
do Estado Nacional pela
União Monetária Européia"
Palestra do Prof. Antony
Mueller no XIX Simpósio
Transnacional de Estudos
Científicos na Universidade
Federal de Sergipe. 21-
de Setembro de 2009
Data Show
Áudio Podcast

quarta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2009


Segunda-feira: 21.09.2009.
08:30h – Entrega de Credenciais.
09:00 h – Estado e Integração
Sessão de Abertura.
Palestra: . O Desafio da Soberania do Estado Nacional pela União Monetária Européia
Palestrante: Prof. Dr. Antony P. Mueller – UFS / Núcleo de Relações Internacionais – NURI.

Link para todo o programa

Cris financeira global

A Crise Financeira Global de 2008-2009

terça-feira, 15 de setembro de 2009

Estado e Integração

Debate - 14/09/2009 ‘Estado e integração’ é tema de simpósio transnacional Evento pretende discutir a prática da extensão acadêmica para o Direito; inscrição acontece até o dia 21/9

A UFS promove, de 21 a 25 de setembro, o XIX Simpósio Transnacional de Estudos Científicos. Este ano o tema será o “Estado e integração”. Contará com palestrantes de diversas universidades brasileiras bem como de instituições de outros países.

Entre eles estarão os professores Jorge Bercholc e Gustavo Vivo, ambos da Universidade de Bueno Aires, que versarão sobre "A globalização e seu modelo de estratificação social" e "Federalismo Argentino", respectivamente.

As inscrições irão até o dia 21 de setembro no Departamento de Direito, localizado no CCSA. Custam R$ 15 ou R$ 30, a depender do número de horas de participação no evento (15 ou 30, respectivamente).

O simpósio pretende discutir a prática da extensão acadêmica para o Direito. Veja a programação aqui.

sábado, 12 de setembro de 2009

Paper sobre integração econômica e monetária

Antony Mueller:
"Implementing a Regional Gold Standard.
Lessons from European Monetary Integration"
Anais VII Encontro Internacional Forum Universitário Mercosul.
Foz do Iguaçu September 2009, pp. 135-191

Conferência no UFS: Estado e Integração

Segunda-feira: 21.09.2009.
08:30h – Entrega de Credenciais.
09:00 h – Estado e Integração
Sessão de Abertura.
Palestra: O Desafio da Soberania do Estado Nacional pela União Monetária Européia
Palestrante: Prof. Dr. Antony P. Mueller – UFS / Núcleo de Relações Internacionais – NURI.
Pte. Mesa: A indicar.
10:30 h – Pausa.
10:45 – Estado e Integração
Palestra: La globalización y su Modelo de Estratificación Social.
Palestrante: Prof. Dr. Jorge O. Bercholc – Univ. de Buenos Aires – UBA.
Pte. Mesa: Prof. Msc. José Lima Santana – UFS.
12:00h – Final do Turno.
19:00h – Estado e Integração
Palestra: Estado y Democracia: Un recorrido sobre distintos modelos democráticos.
Palestrante: Prof. Dr. Mario Daniel Serrafero – Univ. de Buenos Aires – UBA e Universidade Argentina da Empresa – UADE.
Pte. Mesa: Prof. Dr. Lucas Gonçalves da Silva – UFS.
20:30 – Pausa.
20:45 – Estado e Integração
Palestra: Responsabilidade Civil do Estado e a Violência Urbana.
Palestrante: Prof. Msc. João Hora Neto – UFS / Juiz de Direito em Sergipe.
Pte. Mesa: Prof. Dr. Henrique Ribeiro Cardoso – UFS.
22:00h –Final do Turno.
Terça-feira: 22.09.2009.
9:00 h – Estado e Integração.
Palestra:. O Brasil e a Integração Sul-Americana em Perspectiva Histórica.
Palestrante: Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo Vidigal – Universidade de Brasília – UNB.
Pte. Mesa: A indicar.
10:30h – Pausa – Café.
10:45 h – Estado e Integração
Palestra: Mercosul/Unasul: o difícil caminho da Integração Política.
Palestrante: Prof. Dr. Israel Roberto Barnabé – Núcleo de Relações Internacionais – UFS.
Pte. Mesa: A indcar.
12:00h – Final do Turno.
19:00 h – Estado e Integração.
Palestra: A Política Exterior Argentina no Governo Kirchner e o Brasil.
Palestrante: Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo Vidigal –Universidade de Brasília – UNB.
Pte. Mesa: A indicar.
20:30h – Pausa.
20:45 h – Estado e Integração.
Palestra: Democracias latinoamericanas, delegativas, condicionadas y de baja intensidad en el siglo XX.
Palestrante: Prof. Gabriel Macaggi – Universidade de Buenos Aires – UBA.
Pte. Mesa: A indicar.
22:00h – Final do Turno.
Quarta-feira – 23.09.2009
9:00 h – Estado e Integração.
Palestra: A Integração Latino-Americana: as origens e as contribuições segundo o Direito Internacional.
Palestrante: Profa. Dra. Eugenia Cristina Nilsen Ribeiro Barza – Faculdade de Direito - UFPE.
Pte. Mesa: Belª. Camila Gomes de Lima – Advogada.
10:30 h – Pausa.
10:45 – Estado e Integração
Palestra: Federalismo Argentino, entre la Frustración Permanente y el Desafío Constante.
Palestrante: Prof. Gustavo Alejandro Vivo – Universidade de Buenos Aires – UBA..
Pte. Mesa: Disc. Magson Melo Santos - UFS.
12:00h – Final do Turno.
19:00 h – Estado e Integração
Palestra: Direito de Integração e Comunitário: as diferentes modalidades de normatização jurídica da integração européia e latino-americana.
Palestrante: Profa. Dra. Eugenia Cristina Nilsen Ribeiro Barza – Faculdade de Direito da Univ. Fed. Pernambuco – UFPE.
Pte. Mesa: Belª. Camila Gomes de Lima – Advogada.
20:30h – Pausa.
20:45h – Estado e Integração
Palestra: Federalismo Argentino; los Estados Particulares en la Unión.
Palestrante: Prof. Gustavo Alejandro Vivo – Universidade de Buenos Aires – UBA.
Pte. Mesa: Disc Magson Melo Santos – UFS.
22:00h – Final do Turno.
Quinta-feira – 24.09.2009.
9:00 h – Estado e Integração.
Palestra: La Jurisdicción y Competencia Federal.
Palestrante: Profa. Dra. Martina Isabel Forns – Jueza Federal Argentina.
Pte. Mesa: A indicar.
10:30h – Pausa.
10:45h – Estado e Integração.
Palestra: Estado y Régimen Político: El presidencialismo latinoamericano en el siglo XXI.
Palestrante: Prof. Dr. Mario Daniel Serrafero – Univ. de Buenos Aires – UBA e Univ. Argentina da Empresa – UADE.
Pte. Mesa: A indicar.
12:00h – Final do Turno.
19:00 – Estado e Integração.
Palestra: Estatística Aplicada à Administração.
Palestrante: Prof. Msc. Daniel Francisco Neyra Castañeda – Univ. Fed. Sergipe – UFS.
Pte. Mesa: Prof. Robson Cosme de Jesus Alves - UFS.
20:30h – Pausa.
20:45h – Estado e Integração
Palestra: La Dinámica Política y Económica de la Globalización. Los Procesos de Integración Económica y Supranacionalidad Política.
Palestrante: Prof. Dr. Jorge O. Bercholc – Universidade de Buenos Aires – UBA.
Pte. Mesa: Prof. Esp. Osório de Araújo Ramos Filho – UFS – Desembargador TJSE.
22:00h – Final do Turno.
Sexta-feira – 25.09.2009.
09:00h – Estado e Integração
Palestra: A Constituição Federal de 1988 e os tratados internacionais de proteção de direitos humanos / O Papel dos Entes Públicos na Proteção dos Direitos Humanos.
Palestrantes: Prof. Dr. Lucas Gonçalves da Silva – UFS / Profa. Dra. Luciana Aboim Machado Gonçalves da Silva – UFS.
Pte. Mesa: A indicar.
10:30 – Pausa.
10:45 – Palestra: Matéria Internacional da Competência da Justiça Federal.
Palestrante: Dr. Vladimir Souza Carvalho – Desembargador Federal – TRF5.
Pte. Mesa: Prof. Esp. Edmilson da Silva Pimenta – UFS – Juiz Federal
19:00h – PANATHENAIA – Avete atque Valeto!
Palestra: Evolução Constitucional do Pacto Federativo no Brasil.
Palestrante: Prof. Msc. Carlos Augusto Alcântara Machado – UFS – Promotor de Justiça.
Pte. Mesa: A indicar.

quarta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2009

Palestra sobre "A Ordem Econômica" em podcast de áudio

A Ordem
paradigmáticas sobre o
socioeconômico além do
Estado Intervecionista de
Antony Mueller, UFS, 26 de
Agosto 2009
Data Show "
As Regras da
Ordem Econômica"
Audio Podcast "
As Regras
da Ordem Econômica"

Link do site

segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2009

domingo, 6 de setembro de 2009

Em tempos de enganho

"In time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell

Nolan Chart

 While the traditional political “left-right” spectrum is a line, the Nolan chart, created by David Nolan, is a plane, situating libertarianism in a wider gamut of political thought.

sexta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2009

Contra propriedade intelectual

The Case Against IP: A Concise Guide


Cálculo da taxa de pobreza nos Estados Unidos

WASHINGTON – The poverty rate among older Americans could be nearly twice as high as the traditional 10 percent level, according to a revision of a half-century-old formula for calculating medical costs and geographic variations in the cost of living.
The National Academy of Science's formula, which is gaining credibility with public officials including some in the Obama administration, would put the poverty rate for Americans 65 and over at 18.6 percent, or 6.8 million people, compared with 9.7 percent, or 3.6 million people, under the existing measure. The original government formula, created in 1955, doesn't take account of rising costs of medical care and other factors..." Leia mais

terça-feira, 1 de setembro de 2009

Freedom, Property, and Society: Essays in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe, edited by Guido Hülsmann and Stephan Kinsella.

Lew Rockwell on Hans-Hermann Hoppe: "My first full exposure to the brilliance of Hans-Hermann Hoppe came at an early Mises University in which he gave the main lecture on methodology. Here he offered a new take on Mises’s Kantian method. Hoppe explained Kant’s typology of propositions, and showed how Mises had appropriated them but with a new twist.

Instead of categories of thinking and categories of the mind, Mises went further than Kant to delineate categories of action, which is the foundation of economic reasoning. In this lecture, we all discovered something about Mises we had not known, something bigger and grander than we knew, and it caused us to think differently about a subject that we thought we knew well.

This same Hoppean effect – that sense of having been profoundly enlightened by a completely new way of understanding something – has happened many times over the years. He has made contributions to ethics, to international political economy, to the theory of the origin of the state, to comparative systems, to culture and its economic relation, to anthropology and the theory and practice of war. Even on a subject that everyone thinks about but no one really seems to understand – the system of democracy – he clarified matters in a way that helps you see the functioning of the world in a completely new light..."

Read more

domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009


A palestra "As Regras da Ordem Econômica" está acessível, junto com o data show, no Internet em mp3 stream:
veja icon de audio para assistir: Link

terça-feira, 30 de junho de 2009

Frenetic mindlessness

"... According to Thomas Eriksen of the University of Oslo, author of Tyranny of the Moment, the electronic environment systematically favors "fast time" activities that require instant, urgent responses (email, cell phone calls, etc.) Such stimuli tend to crowd out "slow time activities" such as "reflection, play and long-term love relationships," said Levy.

Levy pointed out that this dynamic has an especially perverse effect in academia, which is supposed to be somewhat insulated from the larger society so that students and scholars can think more broadly and with longer range perspectives. But in fact, universities mirror the rest of society, and the dwindling time to think is as much a problem within the academy as anywhere else. As instrumental, short-term, applied goals take center-stage, our society has less access to the wisdom and complexity that deep, reflective thinking can provide. This is a major loss.

The ancients had a word for it: "leisure." In the original sense of the word, leisure was not a consumer-oriented activity like golfing or movie-going, or even "relaxation." It involved having time to ponder and reflect on the world. The words "school" and "scholar" have their etymological roots in the Greek and Latin words for these activities, Levy noted.

According to Josef Pieper, a German Catholic philosopher, "leisure is a form of stillness that is the necessary preparation for accepting reality; only the person who is still can hear, and whoever is not still cannot hear." Pieper, writing in the 1940s, worried about a world of "total work" that would make a "total claim upon the whole of human nature."

It's safe to say that that future has arrived. The very coinage of the term 24/7 and "real time" (usually as a virtue!) confirms the ubiquitous social reality of "total work." Fast-time activities absolutely crowd out slow-time alternatives. The now eclipses the timeless. And we are becoming diminished creatures in the process..." --

Leia mais:

sexta-feira, 26 de junho de 2009

Próxima reunião

Para completar a roda das apresentações, nos encontramos novamente no 1. de Julho as 14:00 horas.

Fim da aposentadoria

"WHEN Otto von Bismarck introduced the first pension for workers over 70 in 1889, the life expectancy of a Prussian was 45. In 1908, when Lloyd George bullied through a payment of five shillings a week for poor men who had reached 70, Britons, especially poor ones, were lucky to survive much past 50. By 1935, when America set up its Social Security system, the official pension age was 65—three years beyond the lifespan of the typical American. State-sponsored retirement was designed to be a brief sunset to life, for a few hardy souls.

Now retirement is for everyone, and often as long as whole lives once were. In some European countries the average retirement lasts more than a quarter of a century. In America the official pension age is 66, but the average American retires at 64 and can then expect to live for another 16 years. Average spending on public pensions across the OECD is now the equivalent of more than 7% of GDP (they cost America just 0.2% back in 1935). In some countries the current figure could double by 2050, to say nothing of the cost of private pensions and extra spending on health and long-term care..."

Leia mais

segunda-feira, 22 de junho de 2009

Fragmentação - A desintegração do Estado

Policy Review No. 154 cover
April & May 2009
Table of Contents

The Power of Statelessness

By Jakub Grygiel

The withering appeal of governing

Most political groups in modern history have wanted to build and control a state. Whether movements of self-determination in the 19th century, of decolonization in the post–World War II decades, or political parties advocating separatism in several Western states in the 1990s (e.g., Italy and Quebec) — all aimed at one thing: to have a separate state that they could call their own. The means they employed to achieve this end ranged from terrorism and guerilla warfare to political pressure and electoral campaigns, but the ultimate goal was the same — creation of its own state.

It is the ultimate goal no longer, and it is likely to be even less so in the future. Many of today’s nonstate groups do not aspire to have a state. In fact, they are considerably more capable of achieving their objectives and maintaining their social cohesion without a state apparatus. The state is a burden for them, while statelessness is not only very feasible but also a source of enormous power. Modern technologies allow these groups to organize themselves, seek financing, and plan and implement actions against their targets — almost always other states — without ever establishing a state of their own. They seek power without the responsibility of governing. The result is the opposite of what we came to know over the past two or three centuries: Instead of groups seeking statehood through a variety of means, they now pursue a range of objectives while actively avoiding statehood. Statelessness is no longer eschewed as a source of weakness but embraced as an asset... Fonte

sexta-feira, 19 de junho de 2009

Educação ruim

O problema com a educação de hoje é falta completa de fragmentação e diferenciação. Enquanto no resto da sociedade temos mais e mais produtos e estilos de vida diferenciada, o sistema educacional (seja no Brasil ou, veja abaixo, nos Estado Unidos) ainda segue o modelo unitário do passado com a meta da clonagem das crianças individuais (neste contexto vale ver o filme de Pink Floyd "The Wall").

As Karen De Coster noted in her own discussion of the Bryce Harper story,

"The public education system, which is a disastrous, wealth-destroying, failed endeavor, is held up as the standard by which we must all live. You go where they tell you to go, stay at the educational level they put you at, advance when they tell you to advance, slog through what they put in front of you, believe what they tell you to believe, and finish your "education" at a chronological age that somebody somewhere determined should be the age when you should be set free to live out your life. Your innate ability, your desire, your interests, your foundational knowledge - none of that matters because public education is set up to equalize and collectivize children so that they are all on the same pre-determined schedule. Still, people are surprised each time they hear about a 15-year-old attending college or an 18-year-old graduating from college. They were taught that children should all advance together through the education system based on chronological age and do exactly what every other kid their age is doing. The masses never question the irrationality of such nonsense. And you wonder why the American educational system is producing mostly professional consumers, couch potatoes, and TV-watching, amusement-demanding, non-reading robots."

terça-feira, 16 de junho de 2009

Ciência modesta

O físico francês Carlo Rovelli relativa o "progresso científico" em sua área.
Vale ler o pequeno texto. É em alemão, mas com "google translate" se pode facilmente ser traduzido:

"Wir können Tiere klonen, träumen von Stringtheorie und Parallelwelten. Doch was hat all das wirklich verändert? Nicht viel, meint der Physiker Carlo Rovelli. Echte Revolutionen passieren im Stillen - so wie die Erfindung des Traktors, der einst die Landwirtschaft und das gesamte Leben umkrempelte."


Eu recomendo fortemente este artigo para vocês para ajudar perder a "adoração da ciência" que muitos brasileiros (com certeza aplica para CAPES) tem como uma fruta do ensino do positivismo nas escolas.

Use google's tradutor para ler o texto em Português: google translate.

terça-feira, 9 de junho de 2009


1. Não vai ter aula nesta quarta. O tempo é preservado para preparar os trabalhos. Se tem perguntas, use e-mail antonymueller@gmail.com
2. Na próxima aula começamos com as apresentações
3. Entrega do texto completo é no final do semestre


Seize the Silver Lining: A Checklist for Innovation
02:02 PM Monday June 08, 2009

By Susy Jackson

It's tough out there, but companies that think their choice is to innovate or to survive are missing the point. Innovation is a corporate necessity, not a nicety.

There's little doubt that innovation is going to become harder as resources become tighter and competition becomes fiercer. But, those companies that continue to focus on innovation have a rare chance to create substantial space between themselves and their competitors — those that don't will fall further and further behind.

The Silver Lining: An Innovation Playbook for Uncertain Times makes the case that today's turbulent times make mastering innovation a competitive necessity. The book aims to provide corporate innovators and entrepreneurs with practical guidance to seize the ample opportunities that still exist in today's markets.

The following 10-point checklist synthesizes The Silver Lining's key messages and provides practical guidance for leaders looking to realize opportunities in their markets. Each item links to a blog post describing the item in more depth.

Does your organization:

  1. Recognize today's transformation imperative?
  2. Have a handle on the future potential of innovation?
  3. Have a process to prudently prune its innovation portfolio on a regular basis
  4. Have clear consensus on the 1-3 top growth opportunities?
  5. Always ask, "How does the customer define more?" before asking people to do more with less?
  6. Match technological experiments ("can we?") with strategic experiments ("should we?")?
  7. Constantly search to share the innovation load to de-risk innovation?
  8. Have a plan to "love the low end" in existing and emerging markets?
  9. Run an innovation factory with systems and structures to make innovation repeatable?
  10. Have a plan to help leaders transform themselves?
History shows us that innovation flourishes, no matter how dark the times. Whether your company looks back and remembers today's troubled times as the beginning of the end or a kick-start to transformation depends on your actions. The choice is yours.


quinta-feira, 28 de maio de 2009

Experimento mental

A Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy sobre "experimentos mentais" incluindo referências a nova literatura.

A literatura sobre experimentos mentais continua crescer rapidamente.


"... Thomas Kuhn's "A Function for Thought Experiments" employs many of the concepts (but not the terminology) of his well-known Structure of Scientific Revolutions. On his view a well-conceived thought experiment can bring on a crisis or at least create an anomaly in the reigning theory and so contribute to paradigm change. Thought experiments can teach us something new about the world, even though we have no new empirical data, by helping us to re-conceptualize the world in a better way. Tamar Gendler has recently developed this view in a number of important respects.

Recent years have seen a sudden growth of interest in thought experiments. The views of Brown (1991) and Norton (1991, 1996) represent the extremes of platonic rationalism and classic empiricism, respectively. Norton claims that any thought experiment is really a (possibly disguised) argument; it starts with premisses grounded in experience and follows deductive or inductive rules of inference in arriving at its conclusion. The picturesque features of any thought experiment which give it an experimental flavour might be psychologically helpful, but are strictly redundant. Thus, says Norton, we never go beyond the empirical premisses in a way to which any empiricist would object. (For criticisms see Bishop 1999; Brown 1991, 2004a, 2004b; Haggqvist 1996; Gendler 1998, 2004; Nersessian 1993; and Sorenson 1992; and for a defense see Norton 1991, 1996, 2004a, and 2004b.)

By contrast, Brown holds that in a few special cases we do go well beyond the old data to acquire a priori knowledge of nature. (See also Koyré 1968.) Galileo showed that all bodies fall at the same speed with a brilliant thought experiment that started by destroying the then reigning Aristotelian account. The latter holds that heavy bodies fall faster than light ones (H > L). But consider (Fig. 6), in which a heavy canon ball (H) and light musket ball (L) are attached together to form a compound object (H+L); the latter must fall faster than the cannon ball alone. Yet the compound object must also fall slower, since the light part will act as a drag on the heavy part. Now we have a contradiction. (H+L > H and H > H+L) That's the end of Aristotle's theory. But there is a bonus, since the right account is now obvious: they all fall at the same speed (H = L = H+L).

Figure 6
Figure 6. Galileo: “I don't even have to look”

This could be said to be a priori (though still fallible) knowledge of nature, since there are no new data involved, nor is the conclusion derived from old data, nor is it some sort of logical truth. This account of thought experiments can be further developed by linking the a priori epistemology to recent accounts of laws of nature that hold that laws are relations among objectively existing abstract entities. It is thus a rather Platonistic view, not unlike Platonistic accounts of mathematics such as that urged by Gödel. (For details see Brown 1991.)

The two views just sketched might occupy the opposite ends of a spectrum of positions on thought experiments, at least within the philosophy of science. Some of the promising alternative views include those of Sorensen (somewhat in the spirit of Mach) who holds that thought experiments are a "limiting case" of ordinary experiments; they can achieve their aim, he says, without being executed. (Sorensen's book is also valuable for its extensive discussion of thought experiments in a wide range of fields.) Other promising views include those of Gooding (who stresses the similar procedural nature of thought experiments and real experiments), Miscevic and Nersessian (each of whom tie thought experiments to "mental models"), and several of the accounts in Horowitz and Massey 1991. Besides these, a sample of recent excellent discussions includes: Arthur 1999; Gendler 1998, 2000, 2002a, 2004; Haggqvist 1996; Humphreys 1994; McAllister 1996, 2004; and many others. German readers will find the very recent book by Kühne (2005) a very thorough history as well as an interesting discussion of contemporary topics. The literature on thought experiments in the sciences continues to grow rapidly...--

Leia mais

Experimento mental

"A thought experiment (a calque or English loanword based on both the German/Latin compound Gedankenexperiment and its German equivalent Gedankenversuch[1]), sometimes called a Gedanken experiment, is a proposal for an experiment that would test or illuminate a hypothesis or theory.

Given the structure of the proposed experiment, it may or may not be possible to actually perform the experiment and, in the case that it is possible for the experiment to be performed, there may be no intention of any kind to actually perform the experiment in question.

The common goal of a thought experiment is to explore the potential consequences of the principle in question.

Famous examples of thought experiments include Schrödinger's cat, illustrating quantum indeterminacy through the manipulation of a perfectly sealed environment and a single radioactive atom, and Maxwell's demon, in which a supernatural being is instructed to attempt to violate the second law of thermodynamics." ---

Leia mais:

quarta-feira, 27 de maio de 2009

Definição de "pobreza"

Definição de pobreza nesta comparação internacional:
Taxa de pobreza é a percentagem da populaçao que vive de menos de 1,25 US$ (em poder de compra) por dia

segunda-feira, 25 de maio de 2009

Definição de "pobreza"

"Anyone who's living off less than 60% of the median household income is defined by the E.U. and the German government as living in poverty. In Germany, that's around $1,066 per month for a single person or $2,240 for a couple with one child."

quinta-feira, 21 de maio de 2009

Os pobres pagam mais

"The poor pay more for a gallon of milk; they pay more on a capital basis for inferior housing," says Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.). "The poor and 100 million who are struggling for the middle class actually end up paying more for transportation, for housing, for health care, for mortgages. They get steered to subprime lending. . . . The poor pay more for things middle-class America takes for granted." --
Leia mais: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/05/17/AR2009051702053.html?g=0


Como escrever um artigo para nossa aula
1. Tamanho: 15 - 20 páginas de texto com tabelas e referências
2. Formato: Times Roman 12 (espaço 1,5)
3. Pagina de título com nome, afiliação, programa, e e-mail
4. Corpo: titulo do trabalho seguido por Abstract (ca. 5-10 linhas, espaço 1)
5. Texto central:
1. Introdução (Contextualização, problematização, pergunta, fatos eminentes, etc.)
2 - 6 Os pontos de análise
7. Conclusão
8/9. Referências (se não está no corpo) e bibliografia: lista dos artigos e livros mencionados no texto mesmo
Se escreve a "introdução" e a "conclusão" no final. Para começar, se concentra na análise, que consiste em +/- 5 partes. Se calculamos 15 pp., cada ponto tem 3 páginas de espaço.
A lógica do texto é a lógica de explicar a sua ideia num forma didáctica que inclui a tarefa de fascinar o leitor.
O texto inteiro, cada capítulo, cada paragrafo, e cada sentencia consiste em um "anúncio" que prepara o leitor que vai vir, seguido por a posição da tese ou fato que, em sua vez seguida por as suas implicações, que numa forma de "conclusão" parcial abre o caminho para o próximo parágrafo.
Procure o mais específico (mais exacto) sobre o geral. Se se usa abstracções, fórmulas, modelos, etc. vale a fazer estes mais "vivo" com exemplos drásticos.
Como regra: para um artigo regular você precisa saber 10 vezes mais sobre os assunto de que você escreve, para produzir um artigo bom (que tipicamente é altamente interessante e informativo a ler -- um "eye-opener") você precisa saber mais de 20 vezes sobre o assunto.
Um artigo fraco é um artigo onde se nota que o autor fala sobre coisas que ele mesmo não entende bem.

1. Vale cuidar muito na seleção do tópico dentro de nossa temática da sociologia económica(interesse, acesso ao recursos, cuidar das limitações intelectuais e de tempo, etc.)
2. Limitar o tópico até se encontra uma tese principal, uma ideia principal que serve como ponto de foco na organização do trabalho.
3. Buscar recurso com uma menta aberta intensivo e extenso em artigos, livros, etc.
4. Organize e re-organize sua lista de referências que ajuda para a pesquisa e mais tarde para a bibliografia do trabalho
5. Formule uma "tese de trabalho" - working title
6. Use a literatura para fazer notas, citações, referências, sumários, etc.
7. Organize permanentemente o seu "estoque" de conhecimentos
8. Estabelece uma estrutura do seu trabalho (transformar sua ideia em uma sequência lógica, i.e. ponto 1, 2, 3, ...)
9. Escreve e re-escreve, organize e re-organize
10. Finalmente: dê brilho e elegância, um toque de perfeição no trabalho

quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2009

Propriedade intelectual

Intellectual Property — A Libertarian CritiquePosted by Kevin Carson on May 14, 2009 in Studies3 comments
In this study, Kevin Carson reviews libertarian perspectives on “intellectual property”; the ethics of the practice itself and the harms resulting from it. He finds that IP is an artificial, rather than natural, property right; creating scarcity rather than managing it. In that capacity, it has acted as an unjust and irrational state subsidy to corporate capitalism — distorting markets, doing violence to the concept of real property rights, forcibly transfering wealth to parasitic cartels and generally having a pernicious impact on the US domestic and global economies that is difficult to overstate. He concludes by debunking the myth of IP as supposedly necessary for incentive reasons.
Download: Intellectual Property — A Libertarian Critique

Novas tecnologias para aumentar o poder mental

"...WE ARE on the brink of technological breakthroughs that could augment our mental powers beyond recognition. It will soon be possible to boost human brainpower with electronic "plug-ins" or even by genetic enhancement. What will this mean for the future of humanity?
This was the theme of a recent Neuroscience in Context meeting in Berlin, Germany, where anthropologists, technologists, neurologists, archaeologists and philosophers met to consider the implications of this next stage of human brain development. Would it widen the gulf between the world's haves and have-nots - and perhaps even lead to a distinct and dominant species with unmatchable powers of intellect?..."
Leia mais sobre as novas tecnologias e os problemas sociais da "divisão intelectual":

terça-feira, 12 de maio de 2009

"I confess that in America I saw more than America; I sought the image of democracy itself, with its inclinations, its character, its prejudices, and its passions, in order to learn what we have to fear or hope from its progress."
~ Alexis de Tocqueville

segunda-feira, 11 de maio de 2009

Propriedade intelectual

"... Mickey Mouse arrived in the 1928 cartoon Steamboat Willie, as Walt Disney became the first to combine animated cartoons with sound. It was a risk that paid off for Mr. Disney.
It may come as a surprise that Steamboat Willie could be considered copyright infringement by today's standards. Lawrence Lessig, a founder of Creative Commons, writes in Free Culture that earlier in 1928, Buster Keaton released his silent film Steamboat Bill Jr., which "appeared before Disney’s cartoon Steamboat Willie...Steamboat Willie is a direct cartoon parody of Steamboat Bill, and both are built upon a common song as a source." (22–23)
Walt Disney's crazy cartoon-with-sound idea became a hit, and the rest is pop-culture history. Disney, Inc. went on to make billions by retelling existing stories through animation and music. While benefiting from a variety of public-domain works, Disney has also lobbied to prevent their own works – along with everyone else's – from entering the public domain.
In Against Intellectual Monopoly, Boldrin and Levine demonstrate how a range of innovations, from the "Watt" steam engine to the "Wright brothers" airplane, were not created from whole cloth. They were slight modifications built upon the work of many previous inventors. Human culture evolves through copying, tinkering, remixing, and improving on each other's work..."

Dica para trabalhos

Se precisa encontrar no mínimo 3 (três) journais como lugar potencial para a publicção de seu trabalho. Ideal são 5 até 6 journais onde a sua temática fica.
Se não encontre, precisa mudar o tema.
É tempo também agora de estudar o material, i.e. a literatura. Você precisa encontrar no mínimo 20 até 50 referências potenciais.
Se você planeja fazer um estudo de campo ou se quer pesquisar novos dados, você precisa multiplicar o tempo avisado por 3, i.e. se você pense que pode obter o resultado em 2 meses, a realidade vai ser mais perto de 6 meses de pesquisa. Para o tempo de escrever calcule que vai precisar 2.5 mais tempo que planejado.

sexta-feira, 8 de maio de 2009

Áreas de pesquisa em sociologia econômica

Uma lista de áreas de pesquisa em sociologia econômica:
consumo, consumismo, sociedade de consumo
poupança e dívida (preferência de tempo)
governança (fatores que fazem "boa governança")
democracia (idealização vs. realidade e custos)
capitalismo (variedades)
Estado de bem-estar (welfare state)
Causas socio-econômicas do desenvolvimento (regional, nacional, global)
educação (analfabetismo até universidades, incluendo currículo e "marketable skills" vs. "education")
discriminação sexual, racial etc.
relações industriais (greve, sindicatos, co-operação e co-determinação)
direito e economia (da criminalidade até a constituição)
envelhecimento (aumento da expectativa da vida)
previdência social (custos, eficiência, etc.)
mercados (todos os tipos, incluindo "mercado religioso", "mercado desportivo")
inovação (veja Schumpeter)
destruição criativa (ibd.)
tecnologia (beneficios e custos)
teoria de organização (empresas, ONGs, governo, etc.)
economia política (as raízes do populismo, porque os político fazem decições contra o bem-estar)
religião e vida econômica
capital social (relaçao entre comportamento social e instituições)
capital humana (sociedade de conhecimento)
moeda (aceitação e colapso da ordem monetária)
governo e estado
confiança ("low trust" vs. "high trust" sociedades)
trabalho (graus de satisfação, alienação, etc.)


Nota bene: A disciplina "sociologia econômica" não é mais simplesmente "interdisciplinar" no sentido de combinar sociologia e economia, mas está avançando no caminho de encontrar uma própria identidade científica e metodológica baseado em conceitos própios (instituições, "embeddedness", etc.)

A diferência específica da sociologia econômica é de que esta (nova) disciplina trata temas de alta relevância (problemas) e aplica uma metodologia "causal-realista", assim se gera idéias para a aplicação de medidas para obter soluções de problemas sócio-econômicos e idealmente se produz ferramentos que funcionam.

Dicas para trabalhos

I. Problema
1. Identifique o problema sócio-econômico
2. Acertar a discrepância entre situação e meta
3. Analisar os fatos (a situação atual) na luz da situação desejado (meta)
4. Definir (descrever)
a) o ideal (a meta)
b) a situação (incluindo a sua etiologia)
c) a discrepância
4. Sequência da análisea
a) "cortar" o problema em pedaços adequados (mínimo 2, máximo 5-7)
b) acertar as conexões entre as partes ("modelo")
c) analisar as partes com a pergunta em que forma representam causas e soluções de problema
d) analisar a dinâmica do sistema
5. Juntar a análise (sínteses)
6. Avaliar o resultado (certezas, incertezas, fatos certos, pressupostos, manchas brancas)
7. Fazer um resumo (problema, análise, soluções)

II. Principio metodológico: Distinguir entre o fenómeno (que aparece no nível social ou macro) e a causa e solução do problema (que reside no nível individual ou micro, ou, simplesmente, na acção humana).
III. Medidas (instrumentos): Baseado numa teoria de causa(s) e efeito(s), se deriva as medidas adequadas para solucionar um problema ou explicar as causas de um problema. Em analisar os instrumentos (ferramentas) que serem aplicados para a solução se precisa dar em conta que a aplicação de medidas tem custos (matérias e não-matérias, monetárias ou não-monetárias) e que quase qualquer forma da aplicação de medidas e assim qualquer tipo de solução contem consequências não-desejadas ao lado das consequências desejadas.
IV. Estilo de apresentação: Explicar! Explicar! Explicar! Escrever didacticamente, guiar ou leitor, usar exemplos, língua simples mas preciso, uso de conceitos da disciplina, clara estrutura do trabalho, dos capítulos, dos parágrafos, das sentencias.
V. Princípios para avaliar a qualidade de um trabalho acadêmico
1. Criatividade em encontrar e tratar um problema (inovação científica)
2. Precisão da análise (confiablidade)
3. Contextualização dos resultados (mostrar limitações e lacunas, objetividade, distância emocional)

Dica: Reformular o tema em forma de uma pergunta automaticamente invite a busca para as causas e efeitos e as medidas.
O progresso científico talvez existe mais em novas perguntas e novos conceitos de em respostas!
Não se preocupe demais com definições (as definições estão na análise do problema)
Não se preocupe demais com "metodologia" - pesquisando você busca o seu proprio caminho.
Não se preocupe demais com que você precisa (o debe) fazer, melhor e fazer e começar já.
Não pense que seu trabalho vai ser uma grande casa intelectual. Pense que dentro de um gigantesco palacio você decora um pequeno quarto que ainda estava vazia.
Aprende pensar em conceitos.

quinta-feira, 7 de maio de 2009

Literatura básica em Sociologia Econômica

Lista de livros padrão em Sociologia Econômica:

International Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology (Hardcover)
by Jens Berckert (Author)
· Hardcover: 778 pages
· Publisher: Routledge; illustrated edition edition (December 15, 2005)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 0415286735
· ISBN-13: 978-0415286732

Readings in Economic Sociology (Blackwell Readers in Sociology) (Paperback)
by Nicole Woolsey Biggart (Editor)
· Paperback: 384 pages
· Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell (March 5, 2002)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 0631228624
· ISBN-13: 978-0631228622

The Economic Sociology of Capitalism (Paperback)
by Victor Nee (Editor), Richard Swedberg (Editor)
· Paperback: 496 pages
· Publisher: Princeton University Press (July 5, 2005)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 0691119589
· ISBN-13: 978-0691119588

The Architecture of Markets: An Economic Sociology of Twenty-First-Century Capitalist Societies (Paperback)
by Neil Fligstein (Author)
· Paperback: 288 pages
· Publisher: Princeton University Press (September 16, 2002)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 0691102546
· ISBN-13: 978-0691102542

Economic Sociology: State, Market, and Society in Modern Capitalism (Paperback)
by Carlo Trigilia (Author)
· Paperback: 304 pages
· Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell (June 10, 2002)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 0631225366
· ISBN-13: 978-0631225362

The Economics and Sociology of Capitalism (Paperback)
by Richard Swedberg (Editor), Joseph A. Schumpeter (Author) "
· Paperback: 504 pages
· Publisher: Princeton University Press (January 1, 1991)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 0691003831
· ISBN-13: 978-0691003832

The New Economic Sociology: Developments in an Emerging Field (Hardcover)
by Mauro F. Guillen (Editor)
· Hardcover: 381 pages
· Publisher: Russell Sage Foundation Publications (May 2002)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 0871543435
· ISBN-13: 978-0871543431

Max Weber and the Idea of Economic Sociology (Paperback)
by Richard Swedberg (Author)
· Paperback: 328 pages
· Publisher: Princeton University Press (September 15, 2000)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 069107013X
· ISBN-13: 978-0691070131

New Developments in Economic Sociology (International Library of Critical Writings in Economics) (Hardcover)
by Richard Swedberg (Editor)
· Hardcover: 1248 pages
· Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing (September 5, 2005)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 1843765241
· ISBN-13: 978-1843765240

Essays in Economic Sociology (Hardcover)
by Max Weber (Author), Richard Swedberg (Editor)
· Hardcover: 310 pages
· Publisher: Princeton University Press (August 16, 1999)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 0691009066
· ISBN-13: 978-0691009063

Explorations in Economic Sociology (Hardcover)
by Richard Swedberg (Editor)
· Hardcover: 452 pages
· Publisher: Russell Sage Foundation Publications (July 1993)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 0871548402
· ISBN-13: 978-0871548405

Economics and Sociology (Paperback)
by Richard Swedberg (Author)
· Paperback: 376 pages
· Publisher: Princeton University Press (January 25, 1990)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 0691003769
· ISBN-13: 978-0691003764

The Handbook of Economic Sociology, Second Edition (Paperback)
by Neil J. Smelser (Editor), Richard Swedberg (Editor)
· Paperback: 748 pages
· Publisher: Princeton University Press; 2 edition (February 7, 2005)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 0691121265
· ISBN-13: 978-0691121260

veja tambem:

Nova literatura em sociologia 2008/09

Dicas para os trabalhos

Uma categoria central da sociologia econômica é "instituição" com o foco na "mudança das instituições" (evolução). Acho interessante procurar elaborar os trabalhos com este foco.

Próxima aula: análise da literatura

Na próxima aula fazemos uma análise bibliográfica de Sociologia Econômica baseada nestas listas de títulos:

econsoc.mpifg.de/material/Syllabi/Reading_list_economic sociology.pdf

Como preparação, estude os recursos em Português:

O objetivo é nos familiarizar com o estado da pesquisa atual na área de sociologia econômica.

Veja tambem: www.santafe.edu/files/workshops/dynamics/granovetter.pdf

Debate sobre propriedade intelectual

Pro e Contra Copyrights:

quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2009


A teoria de Newton em dúvida (veja nosso motto acima):
"... As modern cosmologists rely more and more on the ominous "dark matter" to explain otherwise inexplicable observations, much effort has gone into the detection of this mysterious substance in the last two decades, yet no direct proof could be found that it actually exists. Even if it does exist, dark matter would be unable to reconcile all the current discrepancies between actual measurements and predictions based on theoretical models. Hence the number of physicists questioning the existence of dark matter has been increasing for some time now. Competing theories of gravitation have already been developed which are independent of this construction. Their only problem is that they conflict with Newton's theory of gravitation. "Maybe Newton was indeed wrong", declares Professor Dr. Pavel Kroupa of Bonn University´s Argelander-Institut für Astronomie (AIfA). "Although his theory does, in fact, describe the everyday effects of gravity on Earth, things we can see and measure, it is conceivable that we have completely failed to comprehend the actual physics underlying the force of gravity"...

Comentario: O progresso é um caminho de erros.

Gene control

Nova pesquisa mostra que a mente pode mudar o cerebro:

"... New research has been taking these discoveries to a deeper level, revealing how meditation and other relaxation techniques work in cells, turning on and off genes that are associated with inflammation, cell aging, and free radicals, all of which are associated with damage to cells and tissues. French philosopher Rene Descartes famously believed that the mind and body were separate entities, but emerging evidence is proving him wrong."What this shows is that you can actually change the brain with the mind," says Herbert Benson, director emeritus of the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital. He is a coauthor of a study demonstrating such genetic changes that was published last July in the online journal PLoS One..."
Leia mais: http://www.baltimoresun.com/health/wellness/sns-health-meditation-beats-stress,0,4431741.story

terça-feira, 5 de maio de 2009

Destruição criativa

A tese de Schumpeter na luz dos fatos:

Ilusões mentais

"... Our brains don't see everything—the world is too big, too full of stimuli. So the brain takes shortcuts, constructing a picture of reality with relatively simple algorithms for what things are supposed to look like..."

Leia e veja mais como um neuro-cientista usa magia para mostrar como a mente humana se deija enganhar e como o cerebro cria mais "a realidade" de que nos observamos "objetivamente" a realidade:

sábado, 2 de maio de 2009

sexta-feira, 1 de maio de 2009

Alem do consumismo - a crise estimula pensar

Der neue Mensch
Von Matthias Matussek
Nieder mit dem System? Eine Parole von gestern. Brillante Intellektuelle wie Peter Sloterdijk und Ralf Dahrendorf fordern stattdessen eine neue Ethik für den spätkapitalistischen Menschen, rufen in der Wirtschaftskrise nach Mäßigung, Gelassenheit und Übung. Es wird Zeit für neues Denken.

Para ler este texto em Português, use o google translate http://translate.google.com/translate_t

Schumpeter, Marx e Adam Smith

Os custos da extensão da vida

President Obama: ...I actually think that the tougher issue around medical care — it’s a related one — is what you do around things like end-of-life care —Yes, where it’s $20,000 for an extra week of life.THE PRESIDENT: Exactly. And I just recently went through this. I mean, I’ve told this story, maybe not publicly, but when my grandmother got very ill during the campaign, she got cancer; it was determined to be terminal. And about two or three weeks after her diagnosis she fell, broke her hip. It was determined that she might have had a mild stroke, which is what had precipitated the fall.So now she’s in the hospital, and the doctor says, Look, you’ve got about — maybe you have three months, maybe you have six months, maybe you have nine months to live. Because of the weakness of your heart, if you have an operation on your hip there are certain risks that — you know, your heart can’t take it. On the other hand, if you just sit there with your hip like this, you’re just going to waste away and your quality of life will be terrible.And she elected to get the hip replacement and was fine for about two weeks after the hip replacement, and then suddenly just — you know, things fell apart...


A teoria socio-econômica de Schumpeter vai ser o tema de nossa próxima aula. Como preparação leia parte II da obra "Capitalismo, Socialismo e Democracia".

quinta-feira, 30 de abril de 2009

Aumento da expectativa da vida

Link para um resumo sobre uma pesquisa grande na Alemanha sobre as consequências do aumento da expectativa da vida:
Para traduzir use: http://translate.google.com/
(copiar o texto da lingua estrangeira e pôr na janela)

A universidade em crise

O fracasso do modelo (Americano) universitário que é fortemente imitado no Brasil:

"GRADUATE education is the Detroit of higher learning. Most graduate programs in American universities produce a product for which there is no market (candidates for teaching positions that do not exist) and develop skills for which there is diminishing demand (research in subfields within subfields and publication in journals read by no one other than a few like-minded colleagues), all at a rapidly rising cost (sometimes well over $100,000 in student loans)...--
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Vaga para doutorando em sociologia econômica

Noticia: Quem tem interesse doutorando no NPPCS em sociologia econômica? Contacto: antonymueller@gmail.com

Friedrich Engels - nova biografia

Review: "... He (Friedrich Engels) had always been an involuntary factory owner. Without agreeing to tend his German father’s business interests in Manchester he would have lacked the income for himself and Marx to live in the comfort they took as their right. The profligate Marx was constantly on the edge of penury. Engels counted his pennies (or rather his tens of thousands of pounds) more carefully but did not stint in his pleasures. He rode out regularly with the prestigious and costly Cheshire Hounds. He drank wine of quality and Pilsner beer in quantity. He treated himself to bevies of young women, including prostitutes. He dressed in fashion.
Engels kept up bourgeois appearances by holding his capitalist and communist lives separate. The frock-coated German industrialist bought a second home in Manchester where he installed his fiery Irish mistress Mary Burns and welcomed his socialist comrades. Mary’s sister Lizzy took her place as his lover when she died. Northern industrialists knew he was a “red” but Engels was discreet about his political and sexual activity and avoided social ostracism. After 1869, when the Ermen brothers bought him out of the business, he moved to London and continued to flourish handsomely through judicious investments. He was one of those coupon-snipping rentiers that he and Marx subjected to withering contempt in their pamphlets..."